f4exb / sdrangelspectrum

Web client for SDRangel websockets spectrum server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SDR Angel Spectrum banner


⚠ WARNING: this is a work in progress

This is a browser based web client for remote spectrum display provided by SDRangel SDR software Please click on the link to get more information. It is available only from version v5.6.0 of SDRangel.

You may also ask questions about SDRangel or this web application in the SDRangel group in groups.io

SDRangel is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) application that processes the digital samples produced by various SDR front end devices (RTL-SDR, LimeSDR, ...) using software running on commodity computers to implement radio processing functions that used to be handled by hardware e.g AM, FM demodulation... SDRangel is also capable of driving SDR transmitters in a reversed flow: it produces digital samples that are sent to a SDR transmitter (LimeSDR, HackRF...) to eventually produce a RF signal.

This web application communicates with a SDRangel running instance (GUI based or headless). Relevant spectrum details are controlled via the REST API of SDRangel and the spectrum display uses a secondary websockets based server on a different port. It is written based on Angular 15 (see development section for more details).


Step 1. Node & Git

  • Make sure you have Git installed
  • Make sure you have NodeJS 12 or later installed on your machine
  • Make sure you have npm (Node Package Manager, comes bundled with NodeJS) at least version 6

You can check whether you already have them and your current versions by executing

git --version
node --version
npm --version

Install node JS and NPM:


sudo pacman -S nodejs npm


sudo apt-get install nodejs npm


sudo zypper in nodejs npm

If you need to use multiple node versions on your machine consider using:

You might want update the npm to the latest version by doing:

sudo npm install npm -g

And for node do:

sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable

Step 2. Clone the repository and set up environment

# clone → it will create the directory named 'sdrangelspectrum' in the current one
git clone https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangelspectrum

# install global dependencies
sudo npm install -g @angular/cli@15

# install local dependencies
cd sdrangelspectrum
npm install

# check that everything is working by running the following and opening http://localhost:4200 in your browser afterwards
npm start

Be patient npm install can be very long depending on your hardware.

Build and serve


# build
cd sdrangelspectrum
ng build --configuration production # use --configuration production for production build

# This will create a dist/sdrangelspectrum directory that will contain the application
# You can copy or move sdrangelspectrum directory wherever you like

Serve directly

# Install a simple node.js server
sudo npm install http-server -g

# in the dist/sdrangelspectrum directory do

# By default http-server listens on all available network interfaces on port 8080.
# This can be changed with the options:
#   -p <port>
#   -a <address> This is the address of the network interface on the server

Serve with supervisord

We will not cover supervisord setup and jump into the creation of a .conf file for sdrangelspectrum.


  • the distribution is installed in /opt/build/sdrangelspectrum/dist/sdrangelspectrum
  • the network interface address is and port 8001 will be used
  • the user name is f4exb

You may adapt it to your own needs.

Create a /etc/supervisor.d/sdrangelspectrum.conf with this content:

directory = /opt/build/sdrangelspectrum/dist/sdrangelspectrum
command = http-server -a -p 8001
process_name = sdrangelspectrum
user = f4exb
stopsignal = INT
autostart = false
autorestart = false
environment =
redirect_stderr = true
stdout_logfile = /home/f4exb/log/sdrangelspectrum.log
stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 10MB
stdout_logfile_backups = 3
loglevel = debug

In /etc/supervisord.conf add /etc/supervisor.d/sdrangelspectrum.conf to the list of processes controlled by supervisord:

files = /etc/supervisor.d/sdrangelsrv.conf /etc/supervisor.d/sdrangelspectrum.conf

Reload supervisord configuration with sudo systemctl reload supervisord



Step 1. Configure your IDE

We'll be wring code using TypeScript and Angular, so it would be nice to have at least code highlighting and autocompletion. We recommend using:

  • Visual Studio Code (free) - After the installation, run the IDE and make sure the recommended extensions are installed as described in this guide. All extensions are listed under .vscode/extension.json and can be viewed in the UI using "Show workspace recommended extensions" filter.

Step 2. Install Angular Augury plugin

If you're using Chrome it might be a good idea to install the Augury Plugin that will help debugging Angular applications


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 15.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

WARNING: not supported

Run ng test or npm test to execute the unit tests via Karma. This is good for TDD as the tests run continuously whenever the code changes on disk.

Running end-to-end tests

WARNING: not supported

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.


Web client for SDRangel websockets spectrum server


Language:TypeScript 77.8%Language:HTML 14.9%Language:CSS 4.5%Language:JavaScript 2.7%