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Product Manager 產品經理|可遠端|毛孩新創,幫助人與毛孩!

amychen99999 opened this issue · comments

About Us 關於我們

毛小愛 Fluv是台灣最大的寵物保姆平台APP,幫助毛爸媽出遠門時,可以輕鬆找到附近值得信任、價位合理、適合的毛孩照顧服務,所有寵物保姆、美容師、遛狗師等皆有通過「真心愛動物審核」與美式保姆線上訓練,確保毛小孩會像家人般被對待:一對一客製化、不關籠、全程APP攝影回報、含保險。為了貫徹我們「愛」的 理念,毛小愛同時協助訓練愛動物的弱勢族群、二度婦女、銀髮族成為寵物保姆找到再次工作機會及與動物救援機構合作,使用部分營收中途浪浪和協助送養!毛小愛Fluv的使命是用科技讓每一個毛小孩被愛,讓有愛的毛孩照顧服務是方便、可負擔的,同時創造彈性工作機會,目標是成為亞洲最大的寵物保姆平台。始於2020年,目前平台港台區域約有6000位寵物保姆、超過13萬名用戶。2019年加入全台最大加速器AppWorks、2020入選唐鳳培育的「社會創新實驗中心」,2021年入選500 Global,2023年入選Forbes Asia 30U30。投資人包含Twitch共同創辦人Kevin Lin、SIC 永續影響力 Sustainable Impact Capital、IBM前CFO Freda Chen、知名投資網紅Rami蕾咪等、獸醫院系統泰瑞醫等。

Fluv is a pet care marketplace that helps urban pet parents find trusted and loving local pet care easily by matching pets with the most suitable pet sitters. It is Fluv’s mission to make pet care easy and loving while creating flexible job opportunities for the underserved communities.

Fluv's mission is to use technology to ensure that every pet is loved, making loving pet care services easy and affordable, while also creating flexible job opportunities. Our goal is to become the largest pet sitter platform in Asia. Founded in 2020, the platform currently has about 6,000 pet sitters and over 130,000 users in Taiwan and Hong Kong. In 2019, we joined the largest accelerator in Taiwan, AppWorks, and in 2020, we joined Audrey Tang's Social Innovation Lab. In 2021, we joined Global 500, and in 2023, we were recognized on Forbes Asia 30 Under 30. Our investors include Twitch's co-founder, Kevin Lin, Sustainable Impact Capital (SIC), former IBM Taiwan CFO Freda Chen, well-know investor influencer Rami, and more.

Culture 內部文化

  • 創新:不用怕提出新想法、不斷學習成長
  • 扁平的階級:我們都是生命管什麼階級把事情做好最重要
  • 責任感:沒人管自己要達標,但需要時可以找團隊支持
  • 所有評論都是善意的:團隊永遠為對方著想的文化
  • 禁止馬後炮:有話直說、不浪費時間、不玻璃心
  • Innovative - open to new ideas
  • Flattened hierarchy - we are all humans
  • Responsible - get things done
  • Every comment comes from a good place - we have empathy for one another
  • No “I knew it” - if you know something, say it!

Fluv does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation, parental status, military service, or other non-merit factor.

At Fluv, we commit to provide a workplace free of:

  1. Harassment, including sexual harassment
  2. Open or hidden verbal abuse (including offensive language)
  3. Hidden verbal abuse (intended to harm your reputation)
  4. Acts or deliberate inactions which demean or isolate you, or undermine you and your work
  5. Threats or intimidation
  6. Physical assault
  7. Damaging or destroying property
  8. Concealing or using a weapon

Why Join Us? 為什麼你應該加入我們?

我們是一個充滿愛、想創造影響力的團隊,沒有會拍桌的上司,只有一群一起衝刺的夥伴,我們鼓勵所有人表達自己的想法,無論多麼天馬行空,只要不違反理念的事我們都會盡情嘗試,同時也十分重視大家身心的健康,內部時常舉辦team building活動、讀書會、也有內外訓經費,然後很重要的一點!公司是寵物友善也可以彈性遠端工作!公司內時常可以看到毛小孩的身影,超療癒 ❤ 與毛小愛一起從台灣的影響力新創到世界無毛孩不曉的影響力獨角獸吧!
We are a team full of love and a desire to create impact. We encourage everyone to express their ideas, no matter how wild, as long as they align with our values, we will wholeheartedly try them out. We also place great importance on the physical and mental well-being of everyone. We frequently organize team-building activities, book clubs, and provide both internal and external training. And most importantly, our company is pet-friendly and offers flexible remote work options! You can often see furry friends around the office, which is incredibly therapeutic ❤️ Join us and let's grow from being a local impactful startup in Taiwan to a globally recognized unicorn!

Social Impact 社會影響力

  • 平等社會:創造彈性工作機會給二度婦女、銀髮族、學生,拉近社會性別、年齡等不平等收入
  • 流浪動物:協助中途流浪動物、送養,減少台灣流浪動物
  • Equality and closing wealth gap: Creating flexible job opportunities for displaced women, seniors, and students, bridging the income inequality gap based on social demographics.
  • Stray animals: Assisting in rehoming and reducing the number of stray animals in Taiwan.

About the Role 職位描述:


  • 能夠客觀的釐清問題
  • 善於溝通與表達,與使用者、團隊接觸交流
  • 跳脫框架思維,勇於嘗試、不怕失敗
  • 解決問題能力,能夠善用數據分析、訪談、問卷等工具解決問題
  • 加入我們的團隊,一同將毛小愛寵物照顧平台帶到全世界!

We are looking for a passionate, innovative, and experienced Product Manager to join our team and build Fluv. Let's make an impact on pets and human lives. Let's change the world! You may be a good fit for this role if you have:

  • Ability to objectively clarify and solve problems
  • Excellent communication skills. Ability to communicate and interact with users and the team
  • Ability to think outside of the box, willing to try new things and you're not afraid to fail
  • Problem-solving skills by using data analysis, user-interviews, surveys, and other tools to solve problems

You'll Need To 你將需要:

  • 主動進行使用者研究和市場調查,了解客戶的需求和市場趨勢。
  • 能夠讀懂Amplitude和Google Analytics上的數據,並從中獲取有價值的信息。
  • 能夠主動創建 ticket 給工程團隊,以改進我們的數據跟蹤方式。
  • 根據數據分析結果,優先安排工程團隊的工作任務。
  • 積極參與改進我們的 ticket 排序模型,確保團隊工作的高效率。
  • Proactively conduct user research and market surveys to understand customer needs and market trends.
  • Ability to interpret data from Amplitude and Google Analytics and extract valuable insights.
  • Proactively create tickets for the engineering team to improve our data tracking methods.
  • Prioritize engineering team tasks based on data analysis results.
  • Actively participate in improving our ticket sorting model to ensure team efficiency.

Requirements 你需要具備:

  • 3年以上移動應用程式/網頁產品管理經驗。
  • 具有領導產品交付團隊推出重大產品或大規模項目的經驗。
  • 具備使用者洞察力和對電子商務服務的觀察能力,並能夠整合工程、行銷、客服、營運、財務的需求。
  • 強大的商業頭腦和熟練的分析能力,能夠解決問題並找到最佳解決方案。
  • 優秀的溝通技巧,能夠與團隊中的不同角色協調工作。
  • 熟悉使用工具製作Wireframe,讓你的想法更直觀地呈現出來。
  • 3+years of experience in mobile application/web product management.
  • Experience leading product teams to launch major products or large-scale projects.
  • Ability to understand user insights and marketplace perspectives, and integrate the needs of engineering, marketing, customer service, operations, and finance.
  • Strong business acumen and skilled analytical abilities, capable of problem-solving and finding optimal solutions.
  • Excellent communication skills, able to coordinate with different roles within the team.
  • Familiarity with tools to create wireframes, allowing your ideas to be presented more intuitively.

Bonus 額外加分:

  • 在初創企業工作經驗,能夠快速適應不斷變化的環境。
  • 具有UI/UX設計的概念或經驗,能夠為產品提供更好的用戶體驗。
  • 在你的申請中附上你的作品集,讓我們更了解你的能力和潛力!
  • Experience working in startup companies, able to quickly adapt to constantly changing environments.
  • Conceptual or experiential knowledge in UI/UX design, capable of providing a better user experience for products.
  • Include your portfolio in your application so that we can better understand your abilities and potential!

Benefits 員工福利:


  • 獎酬制度,每季達績效發放季獎金
  • 提供零食,讓你的腦袋隨時補充養分
  • 優於勞基法之特別休假
  • Performance-based rewards, quarterly bonuses based on achievements
  • Snacks provided to keep your brain nourished at all times
  • More PTOs than labor law requirements in Taiwan


  • 毛小愛寵物服務免費額度$1000/月
  • 可以帶寵物上班,充滿毛小孩的紓壓工作環境❤
  • 小孩友善
  • Free monthly quota of NT$1000 for Fluv pet services
  • Pets are allowed at work, creating a stress-relieving environment full of furry friends ❤️
  • Child-friendly environment


  • 新人內訓課程
  • 專業內外訓與分享會
  • 團隊讀書會
  • 學習、進修課程與書籍補助
  • Team building activities
  • New hire training programs
  • Professional internal and external training workshops
  • Team book clubs
  • Learning, training course, and book subsidies


  • 團體意外險
  • 可遠端或在其他國家工作
  • 配套 Macbook Air
  • 露台工作區,保持健康
  • Team insurance
  • Ability to work remotely or in other countries
  • A Macbook Air
  • Outdoor rooftop

Contact 如何聯絡我們

  1. Prepare a cover letter
  2. Remove your photo from your CV (application with your photo will be rejected silently as a small test for attention to detail)
  3. Send the cover letter and your CV to hiring@fluv.com
  4. Subject: Fluv 2024 Product Manager - Your English Name (e.g. Fluv 2024 Product Manager- John Doe)