f0cker / crackq

CrackQ: A Python Hashcat cracking queue system

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

'notify' error

jllang763 opened this issue · comments

After completed a crack job it was placed in "Failed Jobs" with the message of notify

I've fixed this one, I introduced it when adding email notifications. I can't push my updates for a while though as I'm working on adding an admin interface. Should be done by next week.

Even if I had email notifications disabled?

Yeah I think so. Do you have the settings in your config file for notifications? Can you post the debug output and I'll double check.

At the time I did not. Currently, debug is turned off and it is in the middle of a crack job.

OK, I suspect it's looking for the 'notify' section in the config file.

It still failed but this time it had an issue with TLS not being support even when I have that disabled

Can you paste the 'tls' line from the 'notify' section in the config file and also the error and any relevant debug log please? Haven't seen this one before. thanks

#Settings for sending out notifications on job status
mail_server: {SMTP-Server}
mail_port: 25
src: {From-Address}
#Time since last user activity to start sending event notifications (email/sms etc.) in minutes
inactive_time: 20
tls: False

That looks OK. what was the TLS error message you were getting?

I can't find it now but it was trying to use TLS but the server did not support it.

Ah that's a shame I wanted to catch that one as well, it might be a tls/ssl protocol mismatch perhaps. I'll be pushing the updates for the original issue very soon anyway (today/tomorrow). The branch will have an initial version of the admin interface, which I could use some help testing if you want to give it a try.

closing this, let me know if the issue persists in the new branch https://github.com/f0cker/crackq/tree/add_inapp_auth_admin