ezyang / ghstack

Submit stacked diffs to GitHub on the command line

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Block / Abort Land If Not All PRs In Stack Are Approved

thorbenprimke opened this issue · comments

Started using ghstack with our project this week. The workflow feels already so much better - or really just how I'm used to working with Phabricator - small diffs / change requests and always on top of the base branch.

I looked through the issues but didn't see any mention of being able to block landing based on GH PR approval status. Has it just not come up before? Am I thinking about this wrong such as one should just use GH branch protection rules?

Unfortunately GH branch protection rules don't work so great with ghstack, because ghstack land operates by directly pushing to master (there's another issue about this). I think it would be fine for ghstack land to check approval status of the PRs in question and balk if they are not approved.

duping with #50