eyupbarlas / Crypto-Trading-Bot-with-Tradingview-Binance-Heroku-and-Telegram

Crypto Trading Bot with Tradingview, Binance API, Heroku and Telegram API

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Unable to config heroku

moosergamer opened this issue · comments

Bro please give the instructions to heroku installation process

Heroku Installation and Deployment

  • The Heroku CLI requires Git. You have to make sure that Git is installed and setup is done.
  • Then you have to download the installer for Heroku CLI. After the installment, you can use heroku command from your command shell. You should enter heroku login to your command line to authenticate your connection.
  • After that, go to the Heroku Dashboard in your browser and select "Create new app" from top right. After selecting a name and choosing a region, a page with deployment instructions will come up.
  • Now, you can create your project folder and follow the instructions given on the page.

2021-09-15 14_23_27-bzzmans-test-app · Heroku-git _ Heroku

  • You can check for logs after deploying the project using heroku logs --tail command on your command shell.

Was it helpful, @moosergamer?