expressjs / session

Simple session middleware for Express

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Get session object from `req.session` outside of request context

RixInGithub opened this issue · comments

Hello, Express support team. (I don't really know who am I asking :P)

I wanted to ask you one simple thing.

Let's say I got a session.sid cookie pop out from nowhere. And, of course, I want to get the Session object from the cookie value I somehow got.

I know, a very hypothetical question with no samples. And also a short one.

Can you help?

Nevermind. Found a solution, personal.

My solution:

Get a MemoryStore from new (require("express-session/session/memory"))() and give it as the store option, then store.load the cookie value.

UPDATE: After looking on NPM published source, you need to unsign the cookie using require("cookie-signature").unsign(YOURSIDHERE.slice(2)), and also use store.get instead of store.load