expressjs / serve-index

Serve directory listings

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add ability to change icons

Abhivendra opened this issue · comments

Hi! Currently there is no way to override the built-in icon list, mainly because they were meant to match the default style of the page, and also because, well, we ever thought about adding that as a feature :)

With the current code, the only way to accomplish this is to use the template option ( and create your own template which uses your own code to put in icons.

I think it is reasonable to add the ability to just change/add/remove icons from the current list with the built-in template, though :) Going to mark this as a good feature request :)

Thanks a lot , tell me if I can be a help.

You can, if you like :) Feel free to work on a pull request if you are so-inclined. I haven't thought about a possible solution just yet (since it hasn't been long since you asked :) ), but will be thinking about it over the weekend. If you have thoughts on a possible approach, please feel free to share them if you want to get feedback before starting on a pull request, even :)

If I have thoughts as well, I'll share them here for you.

Use your own template?
