expressjs / cookie-session

Simple cookie-based session middleware

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

req.session is null but cookies are not destroyed

ste9206 opened this issue · comments

I use cookie-session in my Express server that uses Parse Server. Then I have React webapp that do get/post to the server. This is how I setup

  name: 'parse-session',
  maxAge: 15724800000

and this is how I save user informations at login:

req.session.user = user;    
req.session.token = user.getSessionToken(); 

it works well because when I call rest api:

      headers: {
        'X-Parse-Application-Id': 'my-app-id',
        'X-Parse-Session-Token': req.session.token
    }).then((userData) => {
    }).catch((error) => {
        console.log(`User do not exist: ${error}`);

it gives me userData; the problem is at logout because I do this:

     req.session = null;

it put session at null, but if I try to do a request above, using it in React to call Express server:

           return response.json();

              console.log('My error:',error);

req.session.token continue to exist. Is there a way to delete cookie when put req.session = null ? Because the only way to delete the session token is when I delete history on the browser.

Just the req.session = null; is indeed how you delete the cookie. Weird that it's not happening. Can you provide all the following so I can reproduce the issue and debug through it?

  1. Version of Node.js
  2. Version of this module and all other mdoules used
  3. Complete server code I can copy and paste and run
  4. Complete client code I can copy and paste and run
  5. Instructions for how to reproduce (open browser to ... click on ... etc.).


Ok, I've prepared all. Should I post here all files?

Hi @ste9206 if there are a lot of files, a link to a git repo is usually the best, because a git clone can replace a lot of instructions saying where to place files and what to name them 👍

  1. node version: 9.5.0
  2. I've used this tutorial:
  3. here there is the project:

tell me if there's something wrong

Thanks @ste9206 I'll check it out. Can you include the instructions for how to reproduce (open browser to ... click on ... etc.).

Yes, first in terminal use "yarn dev", this will setup both server and client, then in the '/' path you can find forms about login/logout

So I cloned the repo and I've been trying to run yarn dev and I keep getting errors from various things not being installed. Can you provide a list of everything that needs to be installed so I can just run the command?

So far I installed yarn, then nodemon, and now waiting for react-scripts to install.

So after that, it seems like yarn dev worked and opened a webpage in my browser, but it is an error page:


Any ideas how to resolve?

Have you installed axios in the client package.json ?

I've also create a user to login: , password: 123456

Hi @ste9206 I'm not sure I understand how to do that. I ran npm install but same issue. Can you help provide the specific thing I need to do to accomplish "installed axios in the client package.json" ?

Closing due to no response. I tried many times since and haven't gotten it to work without giving various errors.

Add res.end(); after req.session = null;

@aliencorp can you try this reproduction? #104

For those using Apollo Server + Express, I tricked the browser by sending an empty session back to it. ^^

This is my logout mutation resolver:

logout: async (_, __, req) => { // I pass req as the resolvers context
      if (!req.session.user) {
        throw new Error('User already logged out!')

      //Destroying the session as so `req.session = null` doesn't trigger the Setter for 'session'
      req.session.user = null
      req.session.token = null

      return true

BTW, checking the code in node_module I see it's different from GitHub latest version. Why isn't npm pulling the latest version of this package?