expressjs / body-parser

Node.js body parsing middleware

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Update iconv-lite to latest 0.6.3

jperelli opened this issue · comments

In a project I work we use body-parser and mysql2 as dependencies.
We are running a very common combination of prisma+mysql2 / expressjs+bodyparser in vercel, and every bundle kb is important in cold start lambda functions.

mysql2 depends on iconv-lite: 0.6.3 and body-parser depends on iconv-lite: 0.4.24

I think it can be upgraded in body-parser to have the same library and avoid code duplication. This would save around 600kb (~500kb of duplication + ~100kb of improved bundle size in 0.6.0).

Thank you for this great project!

Hello, and sorry for the delay on responding; I didn't realize I never did. I took a look and it seems that there are some breaking changes in that upgrade path. I will, however, work to get it fully upgraded in our 2.0 branch 👍

Maybe using a automatic dependency bot like: renovate or dependabot can be useful?
As the automated PRs will make it easier to see the errors/problems that might come with new updates and making the issues visible for contributors💪
I would be happy to set them up if that's okay.☺

Hi @RahulGautamSingh I'm not sure how that would help here, as it is not upgraded in 1.x because it has breaking changes that requires a major version bump for body-parser.

Regular update PRs will help keep all deps up-to-date, and if some dep-updates require version bump then those can be targeted to the branch which is under work ie. 2.0 branch.

Thanks, but I don't think having that is necessary; I already use a service that shows all ourdated on a central dashboard.

No problem! I thought I should comment once as you mentioned that you forgot to upgrade the dep and automated PRs will be handy there. ✌

Thanks for all the work you have put in making and maintaining project, it really help a lot!♥

Sorry, I meant I forgot to reply to this issue; not that I forgot to update the dep. I already knew it was out of date but incompatible.