expo / react-native-infinite-scroll-view

An infinitely scrolling view that notifies you as the scroll offset approaches the bottom

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Fires multiple requests

grabbou opened this issue · comments


In my case it fires from 3 to 4 requests one after another, even with distanceToLoadMore set to 0. Adding InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions to finally in _loadMoreAsync seems to solve it, but I am not sure if that's the source of the problem.

My async handler returns promise and actually all bits are working pretty nice apart from the issue above.


Ah, okey, I am just being dumb.

When you load more content in an infinite ListView, the ListView by default will render only one row per frame. This means that for a short amount of time after loading new content, the user could still be very close to the bottom of the scroll view and may trigger a second load.

Isn't the above InteractionManager a good solution to that problems?

It could be, but I don't want to bake it in. better to leave those decisions up to the user.


Cool, so I am gonna play around with custom handler and in component state to prevent that, thanks for answer and another commit to other issue :)

@grabbou I have the same problem, and I do the same as you, use InteractionManager, but I still have the problem... Can you show me how you implement your _loadMoreAsync function and how you call it from the InfiniteListView. Thanks!


Hey, ping me on Discord tomorrow (grabbou), I need to check as it's been a while, but I definitely solved it!

Ok I'll do it! Thanks @grabbou!

Hey @grabbou and @magrinj , would you mind pasting some code? I'd love to see how you implemented that, I need to do that as well..



@ide maybe worth demoing somewhere? I could PR that where appropriate (or maybe as an exponent demo?)

@SudoPlz In my case, by only using InteractionManager, it was not enough so I did something like that:

  _onLoadMore() {
    InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
      const { store, fetch } = this.props;
      const { offset } = this.state.paginate;

      if (store.getStatusLoadingFor('done') &&
          offset === store.getOffset() &&
          store.getCanLoadMore()) {
          paginate: {
            offset: store.getOffset() + store.getLimit(),
            limit: store.getLimit(),

        fetch && fetch(this.state.paginate, false);