exiftool / exiftool

ExifTool meta information reader/writer

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How to choose the Tag with include space character? (For example: Modify Date)

tzabcd opened this issue · comments

How to choose the Tag with include space character?
For example:
Modify Date
Create Date

I try to write like this:
exiftool Modify Date=0000:00:00 00:00:00
but it's not work.


This is FAQ number 2: https://exiftool.org/faq.html#Q2

thanks,when I try to write command like this: exiftool -TagHaveSpace= 1.mp4 ,but it's return Tag 'TagHaveSpace' is not defined.
when I use command like this: exiftool 1.mp4 ,the tag show me like this:

Tag Have Space

how to choose this tag ?

ExifTool can only write tags which have been defined. If it isn't one of the 5922 built-in writable tags then you must create a user-defined tag to be able to write it. See the example config file for examples: https://exiftool.org/config.html

ExifTool can only write tags which have been defined. If it isn't one of the 5922 built-in writable tags then you must create a user-defined tag to be able to write it. See the example config file for examples: https://exiftool.org/config.html

Thanks very much. I try to use this command : exiftool -NewEXIFTag=1 1.mp4
but command return:
0 image files updated
1 image files unchanged
it seems new tag NewEXIFTag in .ExifTool_config file is usefull ,but it can not add new tag "NewEXIFTag" in 1.mp4 file.
i will add new tag 'NewEXIFTag' in exif of 1.mp4, how can i do ? thanks.

The MP4 specification doesn't support EXIF-formatted metadata. For this, I suggest using XMP.

  • Phil