exiftool / exiftool

ExifTool meta information reader/writer

Home Page:https://exiftool.org/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JSON keys not escaped

SNisin opened this issue · comments

I noticed that when running exiftool on json files with -j -struct, the keys will not be escaped in the output which can create invalid JSON output.



  "transform": {
    "\\.\"": "\\.\""

Exiftool produces:

> .\exiftool.exe test.json -j -struct
  "SourceFile": "test.json",
  "ExifToolVersion": 11.80,
  "FileName": "test.json",
  "Directory": ".",
  "FileSize": "46 bytes",
  "FileModifyDate": "2019:12:21 22:15:20+01:00",
  "FileAccessDate": "2019:12:21 22:15:20+01:00",
  "FileCreateDate": "2019:12:21 21:56:09+01:00",
  "FilePermissions": "rw-rw-rw-",
  "FileType": "JSON",
  "FileTypeExtension": "json",
  "MIMEType": "application/json",
  "Transform": {
    "\."": "\\.\""

As you can see "\."" is invalid JSON as both \ and " are not escaped.

Thanks for this report. I'll fix this in the next release.

  • Phil

This should be fixed in the most recent release: 4ab0216