exiftool / exiftool

ExifTool meta information reader/writer

Home Page:https://exiftool.org/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feature request

thedroiddiv opened this issue · comments

Is there currently Android support?
If yes can anyone please tell me?
I searched a lot for an alternative Android Library but found no one as useful as these. I really love using it on PC, but I need to embed it on Android. If there is any workaround, please share it here as well.

There's probably not going to be any official support but there's at least one port for android.

Yeah! It's a great app but I can't integrate it within my projects unless it is open source. Moreover, I don't think I can use it for complex actions such as reading binary metadata.

Alternatively, you could find a Android port of Perl and use that to run exiftool. That's probably what is at the core of the above app.

That is a great alternative. It works, but the issue is with API level > 28, Android doesn't allow to run of executables through the system process. But still, it is working now.