exhibitionist-digital / ultra

Zero-Legacy Deno/React Suspense SSR Framework

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`/~/` alias + build => Module not found on runtime

d9k opened this issue · comments


> deno task build
Task build deno run --no-npm -A ./build.ts
[ultra] - INFO ✔ Build is valid
[ultra] - INFO Building module graph for entrypoint ./client.tsx
[ultra] - INFO ✔ Module graph built
[ultra] - INFO Vendor modules for entrypoint ./client.tsx
[ultra] - INFO ✔ Vendored 21 modules for entrypoint ./client.tsx
[ultra] - INFO Building module graph for entrypoint ./server.tsx
[ultra] - INFO ✔ Module graph built
[ultra] - INFO Vendor modules for entrypoint ./server.tsx
[ultra] - INFO ✔ Vendored 153 modules for entrypoint ./server.tsx
[ultra] - INFO Compiling sources
[ultra] - INFO ✔ Compiled 97 sources
[ultra] - INFO Optimizing CSS sources
[ultra] - INFO ✔ Optimized 4 CSS sources
[ultra] - INFO Generating asset-manifest.json
[ultra] - INFO ✔ Generated asset-manifest.json
[ultra] - INFO ✔ Patched deno.json
[ultra] - INFO ✔ Build complete

You can now deploy the "/home/d9k/cr/demo/citations-supabase-demo/.ultra" output directory to a platform of your choice.
Instructions for common deployment platforms can be found at https://ultrajs.dev/docs#deploying.

Alternatively, you can cd into "/home/d9k/cr/demo/citations-supabase-demo/.ultra" and run: deno task start
> cd .ultra
> deno task start
Task start ULTRA_MODE=production deno run --no-npm -A --no-remote ./server.js
error: Module not found "file:///~/app/app.tsx".
    at file:///home/d9k/cr/demo/citations-supabase-demo/.ultra/server.js:1:201

Error highlight

Module not found "file:///~/app/app.tsx

@deckchairlabs, @mashaal, do we have working example with alias?

Should have one

Entries for paths with aliases just not created in .ultra/importMap.browser.json and importMap.server.json at all!

Expected something like

    "/~/": "/src/",
    "./src/app.tsx": "/src/app/app.fe83edc4.js",
    "/~/app/app.tsx": "/src/app/app.fe83edc4.js",

But no entries for app.fe83edc4.js in .ultra/importMap.browser.json

Ultra uses mesozoic builder.

Aliases should be added to mesozoic test fixture

Wrote script which copies source code to subfolder and transforms absolute local imports with aliases to relative import there:

d9k/citations-supabase-demo: script/copy-and-transform-imports-to-relative.ts

const walkIterator = fs.walk(
    match: matchScriptsRegexArray,

for await (const scriptFileEntry of walkIterator) {
  const scriptAbsPath = scriptFileEntry.path;

  const scriptRelPath = path.relative(

  const scriptDirPath = path.dirname(scriptAbsPath);

  console.debug('walk scripts:', scriptRelPath, scriptFileEntry.path);

  const codeLines = Deno.readTextFileSync(scriptFileEntry.path);

  const replaceQuotedPath: ReplaceCallback = (
  ) => {
    console.debug('    ', importPathWithAlias);

    const importPathAbs = importPathWithAlias.replace(/^\/~\//, () => {
      return aliasSrcAbsPath + '/';

    const importPathRelativeToScript = path.relative(

    const importPathRelativeToScriptStartsWithDot =
        ? importPathRelativeToScript
        : `./${importPathRelativeToScript}`;

    return `'${importPathRelativeToScriptStartsWithDot}'`;

  const transformStringWithQuotedPath = (stringWithQuotedPath: string) => {
    const transformedString = stringWithQuotedPath.replace(

    console.debug('->', transformedString);

    return transformedString;

  const codeLinesWithRelImports = codeLines.replace(
    (fromWithQuotedPath) => {
      console.debug('  ', fromWithQuotedPath);

      return transformStringWithQuotedPath(fromWithQuotedPath);
    /** async import */
  ).replace(/import\([\s\n\r]*'\/~\/.*'/gm, (fromWithQuotedPath) => {
    console.debug('  ', fromWithQuotedPath);

    return transformStringWithQuotedPath(fromWithQuotedPath);

  Deno.writeTextFileSync(scriptAbsPath, codeLinesWithRelImports);