excubo-ag / WebCompiler

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Import with tilde

Bertie2011 opened this issue · comments

Is there any support for imports with tildes? If so, where/how would I configure the root of it? E.g:
import '~@progress/kendo-theme-default/scss/core/functions/_index.scss'

Ah, this might be better placed in the LibSassHost repository...

Hi @Bertie2011,

I don't have experience with this feature at all, but I think you can set this through the config json:

Set the CompilerSettings.Sass.IncludePath property to your root:

  "CompilerSettings": {
    "Sass": {
      "IncludePath": "root/goes/here",


I created an isolated project with the most simple case of using the tilde, but it simply seems to not recognize the character. Only when I literally put the ~ in the file name it works. Any more help is appreciated, but feel free to close this issue as it's probably related to LibSass.

I would first update to the preview version of webcompiler, as libsass is deprecated. The preview version uses dartsass, and things work much better with that.

Hmmm, the npm package of kendo-theme has all imports made relative (using a build shell script that replaces all occurances of ~@), soooo copying those lines into another shell script gets the job done. Which means I'll probably abandon this issue, because I don't really feel like updating to a preview version and start debugging/hunting until it works.

Thanks for your quick response and time anyways =)

It's only in preview, because so far DartSassHost is in preview. It's stable, as far as I can tell. The earlier you abandon libsass, the better, I'd say.

Good luck!

Thank you!