excid3 / jumpstart

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NameError in Admin::Users#new

githubble01 opened this issue · comments


I Just started exploring jumpstart, and got an admin account set up. Looks great!

When I try to add a new user I get this error.


Do the warnings during the installation have anything to do with this?


WARNING: Unable to generate a dashboard for ActionText::RichText.
       - Administrate does not yet support namespaced models.
       - It is not connected to a database table.
         Make sure your database migrations are up to date.
WARNING: Unable to generate a dashboard for ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.
       - Administrate does not yet support namespaced models.
       - It is not connected to a database table.
         Make sure your database migrations are up to date.
WARNING: Unable to generate a dashboard for ActiveStorage::Blob.
       - Administrate does not yet support namespaced models.
WARNING: Unable to generate a dashboard for ActiveStorage::Attachment.
       - Administrate does not yet support namespaced models.

UPDATE: Found a workaround in #111 that did the trick for now..

Glad you found that thread. 👍

I'm actually working on https://github.com/excid3/madmin as a replacement and I think it should be about ready to start using in Jumpstart. Might try that today actually.

I just opened #122 to replace it with Madmin. It seems to be working great, but we're just finishing up some things in Madmin before we release version 1.0. Might do that tonight.

Wow! Looking forward to trying that out. BTW I have to say that I'm very impressed with jumpstart. Educational and effective at the same time.

Thanks @githubble01, that means a lot! 🙏