excid3 / combined_time_select

A Rails time_select like Google Calendar with combined hour and minute time_select

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Since update to Rails 5.2/Ruby 2.5, Date param is saved to today regardless

bnwpro opened this issue · comments

I've been using this excellent gem with great results until I updated my Rails from Edge 5.2rc2 to the official 5.2 release AND I just updated Ruby to 5.2.1.

I'm using the following in a form:

<%= form.date_field :event_start, id: :start_date, class: 'form-control', required: true %>
<%= form.time_select :event_start, 
            {id: :start_time,
            combined: true,
            prompt: 'Start time',
            minute_interval: 15,
            time_separator: "",
            start_hour: 12,
            start_minute: 00,
            ampm: true},
            {class: 'custom-select'} %>
<%= form.time_select :event_end, 
            {id: :end_time, 
            combined: true, ...etc. %>

In the controller Create/Update actions:

params[:event].parse_time_select! :event_start
params[:event].parse_time_select! :event_end

Since updating Rails/Ruby, time_select fields are saved correctly but the date_field defaults to today's date.

The params hash looks like:
{"utf8"=>"✓", "_method"=>"patch", "event"=>{"event_start"=>"2018-04-30", "event_start(5i)"=>"18:30:00", "event_end(5i)"=>"21:30:00"...

After updating the record, the start date is set to 2018-04-17 (today). Times are saved correctly.

I solved the issue by changing:
<%= form.date_field ...
<%= form.date_select ...

Again, this wasn't necessary until I updated to the above Rails/Ruby version.

Hope this helps someone out!

Thanks for posting the solution @bnwpro! I will update the docs to mention it.

date_field is just a regular input with type="date" so it wouldn't pass in the proper params that multi-select fields do.