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SpriteSheet, spriteHeight and spriteWidth shouldn't be a must

ufukbakan opened this issue · comments

While defining a spritesheet like this:

            image: assetImg,
            grid: {
                columns: N,
                rows: M,
                spriteHeight: assetImg.height / M,
                spriteWidth: assetImg.width / N

spriteHeight and spriteWidth can be calculated using columns and rows info. Its just image.height / M and image.width / N,
you may include spacing calculation too but i generally have zero margin between sprites, so i think defining spriteHeight and spriteWidth should be optional not a must, we can define default values using calculations.

@ufukbakan Good point, I'll look into this!

This issue hasn't had any recent activity lately and is being marked as stale automatically.

@ufukbakan One issue with automatically calculating the sprite width/height is that the image.width and image.height aren't available until after the image is loaded.

I didn't realize this until I tried it locally. I do like the idea (simpler args are definitely better). There might be a way to make this type of thing work but I'll need to noodle about the API to make it work.

Closing this for now, willing to re-open if a new API idea to allow this is thought of