Evgeni Iliev Dinev (ewgeni-dinew)


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Evgeni Iliev Dinev's repositories


I am uploading my homework from the course Programming Fundamentals (22.05.2017-06.07.2017), which I am undergoing at the Software University (SoftUni) in Sofia, Bulgaria. The homework consists of Console Applications that I have written on Visual Studio, using C#.



I will be submitting exersices from the third course, that I am currently undergoing at the Software University(SoftUni) in Sofia, from 18.09.17 untill 22.10.17. The concept of the course is for us to get to know one of the most widely used systems for database management DBMS. This is my first professional module at SoftUni, as I have chosen C# as my prefered language. I will be using Microsofts SQL Server Management Studio 17.2 for the upcomming tasks.



I will be submitting exersices from the fourth course, that I am currently undergoing at the Software University(SoftUni) in Sofia, from 24.10.17 untill 10.12.17. In this course we will be working with one of the most modern ORM technologies-Entity Framework, which is a standard in C# and .Net apps. This is my second professional course at SoftUni, part of the DB Fundamentals Module. I will be using Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and Microsofts SQL Server Management Studio 17.3 for the upcomming tasks.



In this repository i will be submitting one of my university projects. As of Jan.2018 I am a first year student in the PU(Plovdiv University),studying Software Engineering in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. We were given a task to create our own non-functioning website, using HTML5 and CSS technologies. The site had to consist of at least 3 pages: home, register and a personal choice. It had to have a responsive design with responsive breakpoints, making the pages easily visible from different devices. The goal of the project was for us to successfully create a good-looking website from scratch, with basic HTML and CSS knowledge. I will be using JetBrains WebStorm 2017.2.5.



I will be submitting exersices from the fifth course, that I am undergoing at the Software University(SoftUni) in Sofia, from 22.01.18 till 18.03.18. In the first part of the course we will learn how to work with different data structures - stacks, queues, matrices and jagged arrays. The second part of the course will teach us basic Object-Oriented Programming principles - objects, classes, attributes,(as well as:) encapsulation, inheritance, abstraction and polymorphism. This is my third professional course at SoftUni, part of the C# Fundamentals Module. I will be using Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 for the upcomming tasks.



I will be submitting web projects, created mainly on C#'s ASP.Net Core



Basic application for a university project. The application will consist of a FE, written in TS using Angular. The BE will be written in C# using Asp.Net.



This repository is part of my university Design Patterns course. I will be submitting all the necessary tasks and solutions here.



A solution for a simplified slot machine program. The solution itself is based on pre-defined and provided requirements.



In this repository i will be submitting a game related project-the famous snake game in form of a C# console app. I have decided to test my skills and will be working on the project only in my spare time. At the end, the app itself will consist of a fully functioning snake game with a database holding each unique user's record. I will be using Microsofts .Net Core-for the app, and Entity Framework Core-for the database.
