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maize cytogenetic band data

edoardobertolini opened this issue · comments

Hello Eric,
Could you please share the cytogenetic band data for the species Zea mays (corn). I cannot retrieve the data from Genomaize.

Sure! Cytogenetic band data for maize is in zea-mays.json.

Relevant upstream files include genomaize.py and zea-mays-b73-v2-centromeres.tsv. Ideogram added cytogenetic band data for maize in 2017, via #87.

If more would help, please let me know.

Much appreciated, Edo. Any chance you could open a PR with that data?

cytogenetic band coordinates are from the maize assembly AGPv4 and that the centromere coordinates are from the assembly AGPv2. Is this correct?

Not quite. Bands and centromeres are both from AGPv2. (See next comment for clarifications.)

More specifically, bands and centromeres are from zeaMay_b73_v2 in Genomaize, which per MaizeGDB is also known as AGPv2, formally B73 RefGen_v2 (GCA_000005005.4).

I'll keep this issue open for a week or so, in case you can open a PR with your UCSC-formatted data.

(Below is adapted from an email I sent. I surface it here for any future curious maize researchers.)

Investigating deeper, I see my previous comment has an error. Ideogram.js data for Zea mays (maize, corn) centromeres is indeed from Genomaize [1], but its "bands" are from Ensembl [2]. Specifically, the maize cytobands came from Ensembl's public MySQL database zea_mays_core_35_88_7. That database no longer exists, but an earlier archive shows a "bands" column in a "karyotype" table. Detailed steps to reproduce, and full raw output, are shown below in [3].

You can also access similar data more simply, at ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/plants/release-25/mysql/zea_mays_core_25_78_6/karyotype.txt.gz. That link comes by way of https://www.biostars.org/p/240614/. It's unfortunate that such data is not available for new assembly versions; I suspect it was deprioritized due to lack a way for Ensembl to visualize the data. Ideogram.js is the only resource I know that shows maize centromeres and bands (https://eweitz.github.io/ideogram/eukaryotes?org=zea-mays).

The experimental origin of such band data would certainly help to know. I see a 1985 paper notes "different classes of maize heterochromatin can be differentiated through C-banding" [4].

The paper discusses knobs and other heterochromatin patterns -- perhaps the Ensembl "bands" represent the latter?

[1] Specifically, from:


Ideogram code: https://github.com/eweitz/ideogram/blob/5c6c5578b93bda3013034be2eef1c0e8c7b8fb6f/scripts/python/fetch_chromosomes/genomaize.py

[2] See query_ensembl_karyotype_db in Ideogram cytogenetics pipeline:

def query_ensembl_karyotype_db(db_tuples_list):

[3] To reproduce, run commands below on a computer with mysql installed.

$ mysql --host mysql-eg-publicsql.ebi.ac.uk --port 4157 --user anonymous -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 5063862
Server version: 5.6.33 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> use zea_mays_core_29_82_6;
Database changed
mysql> select * from karyotype;
Click for raw data ``` +--------------+---------------+------------------+----------------+--------+--------+ | karyotype_id | seq_region_id | seq_region_start | seq_region_end | band | stain | +--------------+---------------+------------------+----------------+--------+--------+ | 1 | 608501 | 1 | 2313315 | ctg1 | gpos25 | | 2 | 608501 | 2313316 | 3568908 | ctg2 | gneg | | 3 | 608501 | 3568909 | 6067531 | ctg3 | gpos25 | | 4 | 608501 | 6067532 | 10072434 | ctg4 | gneg | | 5 | 608501 | 10072435 | 13141317 | ctg5 | gpos25 | | 6 | 608501 | 13141318 | 16417563 | ctg6 | gneg | | 7 | 608501 | 16417564 | 17365478 | ctg7 | gpos25 | | 8 | 608501 | 17365479 | 23480413 | ctg8 | gneg | | 9 | 608501 | 23480414 | 29767988 | ctg9 | gpos25 | | 10 | 608501 | 29767989 | 48177687 | ctg10 | gneg | | 11 | 608501 | 48177688 | 52331565 | ctg12 | gpos25 | | 12 | 608501 | 52331566 | 53064979 | ctg13 | gneg | | 13 | 608501 | 53064980 | 65754158 | ctg14 | gpos25 | | 14 | 608501 | 65754159 | 66917109 | ctg445 | gneg | | 15 | 608501 | 66917110 | 67602506 | ctg474 | gpos25 | | 16 | 608501 | 67602507 | 69547670 | ctg16 | gneg | | 17 | 608501 | 69547671 | 71897982 | ctg17 | gpos25 | | 18 | 608501 | 71897983 | 74744257 | ctg18 | gneg | | 19 | 608501 | 74744258 | 79599101 | ctg19 | gpos25 | | 20 | 608501 | 79599102 | 85903346 | ctg20 | gneg | | 21 | 608501 | 85903347 | 87844868 | ctg22 | gpos25 | | 22 | 608501 | 87844869 | 92198180 | ctg23 | gneg | | 23 | 608501 | 92198181 | 95870338 | ctg24 | gpos25 | | 24 | 608501 | 95870339 | 101871111 | ctg26 | gneg | | 25 | 608501 | 101871112 | 108821478 | ctg27 | gpos25 | | 26 | 608501 | 108821479 | 117626162 | ctg28 | gneg | | 27 | 608501 | 117626163 | 124937595 | ctg29 | gpos25 | | 28 | 608501 | 124937596 | 127161658 | ctg471 | gneg | | 29 | 608501 | 127161659 | 132329865 | ctg433 | gpos25 | | 30 | 608501 | 132329866 | 134689208 | ctg437 | gneg | | 31 | 608501 | 134689209 | 148187333 | ctg30 | gpos25 | | 32 | 608501 | 148187334 | 155060973 | ctg31 | gneg | | 33 | 608501 | 155060974 | 160246638 | ctg32 | gpos25 | | 34 | 608501 | 160246639 | 161331440 | ctg480 | gneg | | 35 | 608501 | 161331441 | 161628434 | ctg709 | gpos25 | | 36 | 608501 | 161628435 | 168879919 | ctg33 | gneg | | 37 | 608501 | 168879920 | 177795393 | ctg36 | gneg | | 38 | 608501 | 177795394 | 183804760 | ctg37 | gpos25 | | 39 | 608501 | 183804761 | 184627852 | ctg15 | gneg | | 40 | 608501 | 184627853 | 190804281 | ctg38 | gpos25 | | 41 | 608501 | 190804282 | 192610626 | ctg39 | gneg | | 42 | 608501 | 192610627 | 194418632 | ctg40 | gpos25 | | 43 | 608501 | 194418633 | 202675963 | ctg41 | gneg | | 44 | 608501 | 202675964 | 203061654 | ctg475 | gpos25 | | 45 | 608501 | 203061655 | 204634801 | ctg42 | gneg | | 46 | 608501 | 204634802 | 208058421 | ctg43 | gpos25 | | 47 | 608501 | 208058422 | 221914388 | ctg44 | gneg | | 48 | 608501 | 221914389 | 223214444 | ctg45 | gpos25 | | 49 | 608501 | 223214445 | 223626999 | ctg492 | gneg | | 50 | 608501 | 223627000 | 234523618 | ctg46 | gpos25 | | 51 | 608501 | 234523619 | 237859470 | ctg48 | gneg | | 52 | 608501 | 237859471 | 244907521 | ctg49 | gpos25 | | 53 | 608501 | 244907522 | 250076645 | ctg50 | gneg | | 54 | 608501 | 250076646 | 253248259 | ctg52 | gpos25 | | 55 | 608501 | 253248260 | 254933174 | ctg51 | gneg | | 56 | 608501 | 254933175 | 260903138 | ctg54 | gpos25 | | 57 | 608501 | 260903139 | 279445739 | ctg56 | gneg | | 58 | 608501 | 279445740 | 279741197 | ctg59 | gpos25 | | 59 | 608501 | 279741198 | 281776471 | ctg60 | gneg | | 60 | 608501 | 281776472 | 283573620 | ctg61 | gpos25 | | 61 | 608501 | 283573621 | 287952614 | ctg62 | gneg | | 62 | 608501 | 287952615 | 299409530 | ctg63 | gpos25 | | 63 | 608501 | 299409531 | 301433382 | ctg67 | gneg | | 64 | 608499 | 1 | 532094 | ctg485 | gpos25 | | 65 | 608499 | 532095 | 3692044 | ctg68 | gneg | | 66 | 608499 | 3692045 | 7060184 | ctg69 | gpos25 | | 67 | 608499 | 7060185 | 11230073 | ctg70 | gneg | | 68 | 608499 | 11230074 | 14260280 | ctg71 | gpos25 | | 69 | 608499 | 14260281 | 16759324 | ctg72 | gneg | | 70 | 608499 | 16759325 | 17367276 | ctg712 | gpos25 | | 71 | 608499 | 17367277 | 29703499 | ctg74 | gneg | | 72 | 608499 | 29703500 | 30047259 | ctg75 | gpos25 | | 73 | 608499 | 30047260 | 34205959 | ctg76 | gneg | | 74 | 608499 | 34205960 | 41522747 | ctg77 | gpos25 | | 75 | 608499 | 41522748 | 49998895 | ctg78 | gneg | | 76 | 608499 | 49998896 | 50447787 | ctg483 | gpos25 | | 77 | 608499 | 50447788 | 58077886 | ctg79 | gneg | | 78 | 608499 | 58077887 | 64079531 | ctg80 | gpos25 | | 79 | 608499 | 64079532 | 66127790 | ctg81 | gneg | | 80 | 608499 | 66127791 | 68443927 | ctg451 | gpos25 | | 81 | 608499 | 68443928 | 79506453 | ctg82 | gneg | | 82 | 608499 | 79506454 | 81571291 | ctg302 | gpos25 | | 83 | 608499 | 81571292 | 83204675 | ctg83 | gneg | | 84 | 608499 | 83204676 | 84067875 | ctg426 | gpos25 | | 85 | 608499 | 84067876 | 84769995 | ctg85 | gneg | | 86 | 608499 | 84769996 | 87386252 | ctg130 | gpos25 | | 87 | 608499 | 87386253 | 93330191 | ctg87 | gneg | | 88 | 608499 | 93330192 | 98972613 | ctg449 | gpos25 | | 89 | 608499 | 98972614 | 116453131 | ctg86 | gneg | | 90 | 608499 | 116453132 | 118851907 | ctg467 | gpos25 | | 91 | 608499 | 118851908 | 137166171 | ctg89 | gneg | | 92 | 608499 | 137166172 | 172089007 | ctg90 | gpos25 | | 93 | 608499 | 172089008 | 175817158 | ctg92 | gneg | | 94 | 608499 | 175817159 | 176222204 | ctg88 | gpos25 | | 95 | 608499 | 176222205 | 177803029 | ctg95 | gneg | | 96 | 608499 | 177803030 | 178124627 | ctg93 | gpos25 | | 97 | 608499 | 178124628 | 184101643 | ctg96 | gneg | | 98 | 608499 | 184101644 | 185056707 | ctg97 | gpos25 | | 99 | 608499 | 185056708 | 191405930 | ctg98 | gneg | | 100 | 608499 | 191405931 | 193468707 | ctg99 | gpos25 | | 101 | 608499 | 193468708 | 195452114 | ctg100 | gneg | | 102 | 608499 | 195452115 | 197166790 | ctg101 | gpos25 | | 103 | 608499 | 197166791 | 198254923 | ctg102 | gneg | | 104 | 608499 | 198254924 | 205720938 | ctg103 | gpos25 | | 105 | 608499 | 205720939 | 217445808 | ctg104 | gneg | | 106 | 608499 | 217445809 | 220441764 | ctg105 | gpos25 | | 107 | 608499 | 220441765 | 221478266 | ctg107 | gneg | | 108 | 608499 | 221478267 | 231709084 | ctg108 | gpos25 | | 109 | 608499 | 231709085 | 235490038 | ctg109 | gneg | | 110 | 608499 | 235490039 | 235644737 | ctg639 | gpos25 | | 111 | 608499 | 235644738 | 237893627 | ctg110 | gneg | | 112 | 608496 | 1 | 8120190 | ctg111 | gpos25 | | 113 | 608496 | 8120191 | 11982977 | ctg112 | gneg | | 114 | 608496 | 11982978 | 19015255 | ctg113 | gpos25 | | 115 | 608496 | 19015256 | 27529319 | ctg115 | gneg | | 116 | 608496 | 27529320 | 46889799 | ctg117 | gpos25 | | 117 | 608496 | 46889800 | 56546115 | ctg118 | gneg | | 118 | 608496 | 56546116 | 64514003 | ctg119 | gpos25 | | 119 | 608496 | 64514004 | 82839601 | ctg120 | gneg | | 120 | 608496 | 82839602 | 85631451 | ctg730 | gpos25 | | 121 | 608496 | 85631452 | 99795269 | ctg121 | gneg | | 122 | 608496 | 99795270 | 113255631 | ctg255 | gpos25 | | 123 | 608496 | 113255632 | 125064082 | ctg122 | gneg | | 124 | 608496 | 125064083 | 141247510 | ctg124 | gpos25 | | 125 | 608496 | 141247511 | 147279871 | ctg126 | gneg | | 126 | 608496 | 147279872 | 152439451 | ctg128 | gpos25 | | 127 | 608496 | 152439452 | 155769959 | ctg129 | gneg | | 128 | 608496 | 155769960 | 174353644 | ctg131 | gpos25 | | 129 | 608496 | 174353645 | 176871575 | ctg134 | gneg | | 130 | 608496 | 176871576 | 179284579 | ctg135 | gpos25 | | 131 | 608496 | 179284580 | 181585898 | ctg136 | gneg | | 132 | 608496 | 181585899 | 194189154 | ctg138 | gpos25 | | 133 | 608496 | 194189155 | 196358092 | ctg140 | gneg | | 134 | 608496 | 196358093 | 200243259 | ctg141 | gpos25 | | 135 | 608496 | 200243260 | 202576128 | ctg142 | gneg | | 136 | 608496 | 202576129 | 204504304 | ctg143 | gpos25 | | 137 | 608496 | 204504305 | 205335064 | ctg144 | gneg | | 138 | 608496 | 205335065 | 214307228 | ctg145 | gpos25 | | 139 | 608496 | 214307229 | 217203188 | ctg147 | gneg | | 140 | 608496 | 217203189 | 220814237 | ctg149 | gpos25 | | 141 | 608496 | 220814238 | 226274536 | ctg150 | gneg | | 142 | 608496 | 226274537 | 230653959 | ctg151 | gpos25 | | 143 | 608496 | 230653960 | 231891516 | ctg152 | gneg | | 144 | 608496 | 231891517 | 232227970 | ctg153 | gpos25 | | 145 | 608502 | 1 | 1349462 | ctg154 | gneg | | 146 | 608502 | 1349463 | 1518061 | ctg702 | gpos25 | | 147 | 608502 | 1518062 | 4135806 | ctg155 | gneg | | 148 | 608502 | 4135807 | 11324719 | ctg156 | gpos25 | | 149 | 608502 | 11324720 | 14268296 | ctg158 | gneg | | 150 | 608502 | 14268297 | 16044453 | ctg159 | gpos25 | | 151 | 608502 | 16044454 | 22798922 | ctg160 | gneg | | 152 | 608502 | 22798923 | 23669946 | ctg531 | gpos25 | | 153 | 608502 | 23669947 | 27276238 | ctg162 | gneg | | 154 | 608502 | 27276239 | 31458684 | ctg163 | gpos25 | | 155 | 608502 | 31458685 | 47285273 | ctg164 | gneg | | 156 | 608502 | 47285274 | 50430753 | ctg435 | gpos25 | | 157 | 608502 | 50430754 | 55443723 | ctg190 | gneg | | 158 | 608502 | 55443724 | 62095577 | ctg165 | gpos25 | | 159 | 608502 | 62095578 | 67716356 | ctg166 | gneg | | 160 | 608502 | 67716357 | 77809335 | ctg172 | gpos25 | | 161 | 608502 | 77809336 | 80975362 | ctg174 | gneg | | 162 | 608502 | 80975363 | 83853967 | ctg168 | gpos25 | | 163 | 608502 | 83853968 | 85129659 | ctg444 | gneg | | 164 | 608502 | 85129660 | 96840250 | ctg169 | gpos25 | | 165 | 608502 | 96840251 | 103605018 | ctg183 | gneg | | 166 | 608502 | 103605019 | 105359269 | ctg427 | gpos25 | | 167 | 608502 | 105359270 | 114067850 | ctg170 | gneg | | 168 | 608502 | 114067851 | 129021032 | ctg171 | gpos25 | | 169 | 608502 | 129021033 | 132425205 | ctg173 | gneg | | 170 | 608502 | 132425206 | 134238207 | ctg175 | gpos25 | | 171 | 608502 | 134238208 | 141923594 | ctg176 | gneg | | 172 | 608502 | 141923595 | 149548121 | ctg179 | gpos25 | | 173 | 608502 | 149548122 | 152068542 | ctg246 | gneg | | 174 | 608502 | 152068543 | 159750699 | ctg181 | gpos25 | | 175 | 608502 | 159750700 | 181984697 | ctg182 | gneg | | 176 | 608502 | 181984698 | 182124566 | ctg545 | gpos25 | | 177 | 608502 | 182124567 | 187388089 | ctg184 | gneg | | 178 | 608502 | 187388090 | 188234079 | ctg185 | gpos25 | | 179 | 608502 | 188234080 | 188539418 | ctg186 | gneg | | 180 | 608502 | 188539419 | 190507692 | ctg187 | gpos25 | | 181 | 608502 | 190507693 | 199141608 | ctg188 | gneg | | 182 | 608502 | 199141609 | 200421705 | ctg191 | gpos25 | | 183 | 608502 | 200421706 | 203020057 | ctg194 | gneg | | 184 | 608502 | 203020058 | 209139284 | ctg193 | gpos25 | | 185 | 608502 | 209139285 | 211606081 | ctg469 | gneg | | 186 | 608502 | 211606082 | 211963774 | ctg697 | gpos25 | | 187 | 608502 | 211963775 | 213364855 | ctg192 | gneg | | 188 | 608502 | 213364856 | 215485757 | ctg195 | gpos25 | | 189 | 608502 | 215485758 | 219434627 | ctg127 | gneg | | 190 | 608502 | 219434628 | 225131713 | ctg196 | gpos25 | | 191 | 608502 | 225131714 | 225722842 | ctg482 | gneg | | 192 | 608502 | 225722843 | 231549779 | ctg199 | gpos25 | | 193 | 608502 | 231549780 | 233471777 | ctg198 | gneg | | 194 | 608502 | 233471778 | 235906895 | ctg200 | gpos25 | | 195 | 608502 | 235906896 | 238998537 | ctg201 | gneg | | 196 | 608502 | 238998538 | 240877213 | ctg202 | gpos25 | | 197 | 608502 | 240877214 | 242029974 | ctg203 | gneg | | 198 | 608506 | 1 | 5480922 | ctg204 | gpos25 | | 199 | 608506 | 5480923 | 5919179 | ctg205 | gneg | | 200 | 608506 | 5919180 | 7982490 | ctg206 | gpos25 | | 201 | 608506 | 7982491 | 11745108 | ctg207 | gneg | | 202 | 608506 | 11745109 | 14453672 | ctg209 | gpos25 | | 203 | 608506 | 14453673 | 17191388 | ctg210 | gneg | | 204 | 608506 | 17191389 | 18007842 | ctg460 | gpos25 | | 205 | 608506 | 18007843 | 20803742 | ctg211 | gneg | | 206 | 608506 | 20803743 | 28691747 | ctg212 | gpos25 | | 207 | 608506 | 28691748 | 29228197 | ctg698 | gneg | | 208 | 608506 | 29228198 | 31172592 | ctg215 | gpos25 | | 209 | 608506 | 31172593 | 31938581 | ctg216 | gneg | | 210 | 608506 | 31938582 | 38510291 | ctg217 | gpos25 | | 211 | 608506 | 38510292 | 45994885 | ctg218 | gneg | | 212 | 608506 | 45994886 | 46535779 | ctg486 | gpos25 | | 213 | 608506 | 46535780 | 55350536 | ctg219 | gneg | | 214 | 608506 | 55350537 | 62708481 | ctg220 | gpos25 | | 215 | 608506 | 62708482 | 65017546 | ctg221 | gneg | | 216 | 608506 | 65017547 | 77748588 | ctg223 | gpos25 | | 217 | 608506 | 77748589 | 89387911 | ctg225 | gneg | | 218 | 608506 | 89387912 | 95178670 | ctg227 | gpos25 | | 219 | 608506 | 95178671 | 100134904 | ctg228 | gneg | | 220 | 608506 | 100134905 | 105865823 | ctg180 | gpos25 | | 221 | 608506 | 105865824 | 122068151 | ctg231 | gneg | | 222 | 608506 | 122068152 | 124279005 | ctg230 | gpos25 | | 223 | 608506 | 124279006 | 127328484 | ctg494 | gneg | | 224 | 608506 | 127328485 | 130509989 | ctg233 | gpos25 | | 225 | 608506 | 130509990 | 161721095 | ctg234 | gneg | | 226 | 608506 | 161721096 | 163895815 | ctg237 | gpos25 | | 227 | 608506 | 163895816 | 178843541 | ctg238 | gneg | | 228 | 608506 | 178843542 | 179916115 | ctg241 | gpos25 | | 229 | 608506 | 179916116 | 183702968 | ctg242 | gneg | | 230 | 608506 | 183702969 | 186946371 | ctg244 | gpos25 | | 231 | 608506 | 186946372 | 190742387 | ctg245 | gneg | | 232 | 608506 | 190742388 | 195160688 | ctg247 | gpos25 | | 233 | 608506 | 195160689 | 195330276 | ctg715 | gneg | | 234 | 608506 | 195330277 | 195474639 | ctg500 | gpos25 | | 235 | 608506 | 195474640 | 195643556 | ctg248 | gneg | | 236 | 608506 | 195643557 | 197355011 | ctg249 | gpos25 | | 237 | 608506 | 197355012 | 205139749 | ctg250 | gneg | | 238 | 608506 | 205139750 | 208228772 | ctg251 | gpos25 | | 239 | 608506 | 208228773 | 213273550 | ctg253 | gneg | | 240 | 608506 | 213273551 | 217928451 | ctg254 | gpos25 | | 241 | 608494 | 1 | 2127033 | ctg256 | gneg | | 242 | 608494 | 2127034 | 5303120 | ctg257 | gpos25 | | 243 | 608494 | 5303121 | 6157706 | ctg259 | gneg | | 244 | 608494 | 6157707 | 10090842 | ctg260 | gpos25 | | 245 | 608494 | 10090843 | 13183877 | ctg438 | gneg | | 246 | 608494 | 13183878 | 15943428 | ctg263 | gpos25 | | 247 | 608494 | 15943429 | 20721503 | ctg264 | gneg | | 248 | 608494 | 20721504 | 23832598 | ctg261 | gpos25 | | 249 | 608494 | 23832599 | 36069255 | ctg262 | gneg | | 250 | 608494 | 36069256 | 39148192 | ctg268 | gpos25 | | 251 | 608494 | 39148193 | 39307471 | ctg665 | gneg | | 252 | 608494 | 39307472 | 48705763 | ctg267 | gpos25 | | 253 | 608494 | 48705764 | 49785071 | ctg266 | gneg | | 254 | 608494 | 49785072 | 63758518 | ctg265 | gpos25 | | 255 | 608494 | 63758519 | 65105257 | ctg442 | gneg | | 256 | 608494 | 65105258 | 76596340 | ctg269 | gpos25 | | 257 | 608494 | 76596341 | 84973091 | ctg270 | gneg | | 258 | 608494 | 84973092 | 93618543 | ctg271 | gpos25 | | 259 | 608494 | 93618544 | 95492039 | ctg272 | gneg | | 260 | 608494 | 95492040 | 97815292 | ctg273 | gpos25 | | 261 | 608494 | 97815293 | 103957049 | ctg274 | gneg | | 262 | 608494 | 103957050 | 106943298 | ctg276 | gpos25 | | 263 | 608494 | 106943299 | 110137540 | ctg280 | gneg | | 264 | 608494 | 110137541 | 111309336 | ctg277 | gpos25 | | 265 | 608494 | 111309337 | 111931577 | ctg477 | gneg | | 266 | 608494 | 111931578 | 129234376 | ctg281 | gpos25 | | 267 | 608494 | 129234377 | 132123932 | ctg282 | gneg | | 268 | 608494 | 132123933 | 140136457 | ctg283 | gpos25 | | 269 | 608494 | 140136458 | 142388006 | ctg284 | gneg | | 270 | 608494 | 142388007 | 149924898 | ctg285 | gpos25 | | 271 | 608494 | 149924899 | 150775227 | ctg286 | gneg | | 272 | 608494 | 150775228 | 164118346 | ctg287 | gpos25 | | 273 | 608494 | 164118347 | 167771369 | ctg289 | gneg | | 274 | 608494 | 167771370 | 169381756 | ctg291 | gpos25 | | 275 | 608497 | 1 | 714032 | ctg714 | gneg | | 276 | 608497 | 714033 | 1062466 | ctg292 | gpos25 | | 277 | 608497 | 1062467 | 3646467 | ctg293 | gneg | | 278 | 608497 | 3646468 | 5264773 | ctg294 | gpos25 | | 279 | 608497 | 5264774 | 5401381 | ctg295 | gneg | | 280 | 608497 | 5401382 | 6291179 | ctg487 | gpos25 | | 281 | 608497 | 6291180 | 14708138 | ctg296 | gneg | | 282 | 608497 | 14708139 | 19454947 | ctg297 | gpos25 | | 283 | 608497 | 19454948 | 22729593 | ctg298 | gneg | | 284 | 608497 | 22729594 | 31652190 | ctg299 | gpos25 | | 285 | 608497 | 31652191 | 38930597 | ctg300 | gneg | | 286 | 608497 | 38930598 | 51542694 | ctg301 | gpos25 | | 287 | 608497 | 51542695 | 52968152 | ctg303 | gneg | | 288 | 608497 | 52968153 | 54888463 | ctg456 | gpos25 | | 289 | 608497 | 54888464 | 62442034 | ctg167 | gneg | | 290 | 608497 | 62442035 | 67940936 | ctg430 | gpos25 | | 291 | 608497 | 67940937 | 71310639 | ctg459 | gneg | | 292 | 608497 | 71310640 | 78893005 | ctg470 | gpos25 | | 293 | 608497 | 78893006 | 85282835 | ctg304 | gneg | | 294 | 608497 | 85282836 | 85412767 | ctg719 | gpos25 | | 295 | 608497 | 85412768 | 92459409 | ctg306 | gneg | | 296 | 608497 | 92459410 | 93359709 | ctg308 | gpos25 | | 297 | 608497 | 93359710 | 98434784 | ctg307 | gneg | | 298 | 608497 | 98434785 | 110707691 | ctg309 | gpos25 | | 299 | 608497 | 110707692 | 113633161 | ctg311 | gneg | | 300 | 608497 | 113633162 | 117261655 | ctg312 | gpos25 | | 301 | 608497 | 117261656 | 120752894 | ctg313 | gneg | | 302 | 608497 | 120752895 | 123588031 | ctg315 | gpos25 | | 303 | 608497 | 123588032 | 125522865 | ctg316 | gneg | | 304 | 608497 | 125522866 | 125817467 | ctg452 | gpos25 | | 305 | 608497 | 125817468 | 128038288 | ctg317 | gneg | | 306 | 608497 | 128038289 | 138227912 | ctg318 | gpos25 | | 307 | 608497 | 138227913 | 150237214 | ctg320 | gneg | | 308 | 608497 | 150237215 | 162212420 | ctg322 | gpos25 | | 309 | 608497 | 162212421 | 162722287 | ctg324 | gneg | | 310 | 608497 | 162722288 | 176810253 | ctg325 | gpos25 | | 311 | 608500 | 1 | 16228641 | ctg326 | gneg | | 312 | 608500 | 16228642 | 17604173 | ctg327 | gpos25 | | 313 | 608500 | 17604174 | 19042351 | ctg328 | gneg | | 314 | 608500 | 19042352 | 26171690 | ctg329 | gpos25 | | 315 | 608500 | 26171691 | 27338692 | ctg341 | gneg | | 316 | 608500 | 27338693 | 32291022 | ctg330 | gpos25 | | 317 | 608500 | 32291023 | 37807736 | ctg331 | gneg | | 318 | 608500 | 37807737 | 45235680 | ctg334 | gpos25 | | 319 | 608500 | 45235681 | 47052700 | ctg457 | gneg | | 320 | 608500 | 47052701 | 48311163 | ctg429 | gpos25 | | 321 | 608500 | 48311164 | 55524038 | ctg332 | gneg | | 322 | 608500 | 55524039 | 59318823 | ctg343 | gpos25 | | 323 | 608500 | 59318824 | 63105063 | ctg333 | gneg | | 324 | 608500 | 63105064 | 64219682 | ctg335 | gpos25 | | 325 | 608500 | 64219683 | 72316516 | ctg336 | gneg | | 326 | 608500 | 72316517 | 74348353 | ctg339 | gpos25 | | 327 | 608500 | 74348354 | 81133562 | ctg344 | gneg | | 328 | 608500 | 81133563 | 86033697 | ctg338 | gpos25 | | 329 | 608500 | 86033698 | 87062963 | ctg337 | gneg | | 330 | 608500 | 87062964 | 96848924 | ctg340 | gpos25 | | 331 | 608500 | 96848925 | 102026214 | ctg345 | gneg | | 332 | 608500 | 102026215 | 103708881 | ctg346 | gpos25 | | 333 | 608500 | 103708882 | 106489423 | ctg347 | gneg | | 334 | 608500 | 106489424 | 109104805 | ctg348 | gpos25 | | 335 | 608500 | 109104806 | 116550835 | ctg349 | gneg | | 336 | 608500 | 116550836 | 120824083 | ctg350 | gpos25 | | 337 | 608500 | 120824084 | 122265092 | ctg352 | gneg | | 338 | 608500 | 122265093 | 125032496 | ctg353 | gpos25 | | 339 | 608500 | 125032497 | 138288132 | ctg354 | gneg | | 340 | 608500 | 138288133 | 139263340 | ctg355 | gpos25 | | 341 | 608500 | 139263341 | 142466043 | ctg356 | gneg | | 342 | 608500 | 142466044 | 155703284 | ctg358 | gpos25 | | 343 | 608500 | 155703285 | 160168698 | ctg360 | gneg | | 344 | 608500 | 160168699 | 164232557 | ctg362 | gpos25 | | 345 | 608500 | 164232558 | 169558891 | ctg363 | gneg | | 346 | 608500 | 169558892 | 171293270 | ctg364 | gpos25 | | 347 | 608500 | 171293271 | 171721914 | ctg365 | gneg | | 348 | 608500 | 171721915 | 175347686 | ctg366 | gpos25 | | 349 | 608498 | 1 | 975459 | ctg441 | gneg | | 350 | 608498 | 975460 | 8427952 | ctg368 | gpos25 | | 351 | 608498 | 8427953 | 9225506 | ctg369 | gneg | | 352 | 608498 | 9225507 | 12749618 | ctg370 | gpos25 | | 353 | 608498 | 12749619 | 12947586 | ctg484 | gneg | | 354 | 608498 | 12947587 | 13366954 | ctg372 | gpos25 | | 355 | 608498 | 13366955 | 28960374 | ctg373 | gneg | | 356 | 608498 | 28960375 | 30352892 | ctg490 | gpos25 | | 357 | 608498 | 30352893 | 31560478 | ctg381 | gneg | | 358 | 608498 | 31560479 | 32551216 | ctg453 | gpos25 | | 359 | 608498 | 32551217 | 35696590 | ctg377 | gneg | | 360 | 608498 | 35696591 | 38570305 | ctg378 | gpos25 | | 361 | 608498 | 38570306 | 44268913 | ctg367 | gneg | | 362 | 608498 | 44268914 | 47883849 | ctg374 | gpos25 | | 363 | 608498 | 47883850 | 52425569 | ctg375 | gneg | | 364 | 608498 | 52425570 | 54138261 | ctg425 | gpos25 | | 365 | 608498 | 54138262 | 56178103 | ctg214 | gneg | | 366 | 608498 | 56178104 | 62946627 | ctg106 | gpos25 | | 367 | 608498 | 62946628 | 63630814 | ctg491 | gneg | | 368 | 608498 | 63630815 | 64299102 | ctg450 | gpos25 | | 369 | 608498 | 64299103 | 68959128 | ctg432 | gneg | | 370 | 608498 | 68959129 | 69475004 | ctg703 | gpos25 | | 371 | 608498 | 69475005 | 73715207 | ctg448 | gneg | | 372 | 608498 | 73715208 | 83063646 | ctg197 | gpos25 | | 373 | 608498 | 83063647 | 84026052 | ctg431 | gneg | | 374 | 608498 | 84026053 | 106887131 | ctg376 | gpos25 | | 375 | 608498 | 106887132 | 107421808 | ctg499 | gneg | | 376 | 608498 | 107421809 | 109844390 | ctg380 | gpos25 | | 377 | 608498 | 109844391 | 111053757 | ctg473 | gneg | | 378 | 608498 | 111053758 | 111394837 | ctg707 | gpos25 | | 379 | 608498 | 111394838 | 114645517 | ctg382 | gneg | | 380 | 608498 | 114645518 | 121051048 | ctg383 | gpos25 | | 381 | 608498 | 121051049 | 121775804 | ctg458 | gpos25 | | 382 | 608498 | 121775805 | 123242411 | ctg384 | gneg | | 383 | 608498 | 123242412 | 131501217 | ctg385 | gpos25 | | 384 | 608498 | 131501218 | 134124167 | ctg386 | gneg | | 385 | 608498 | 134124168 | 139834530 | ctg387 | gpos25 | | 386 | 608498 | 139834531 | 140795148 | ctg388 | gneg | | 387 | 608498 | 140795149 | 146965649 | ctg389 | gpos25 | | 388 | 608498 | 146965650 | 148616820 | ctg390 | gneg | | 389 | 608498 | 148616821 | 157021084 | ctg391 | gpos25 | | 390 | 608504 | 1 | 510750 | ctg519 | gneg | | 391 | 608504 | 510751 | 6415486 | ctg392 | gpos25 | | 392 | 608504 | 6415487 | 11346032 | ctg393 | gneg | | 393 | 608504 | 11346033 | 14687260 | ctg394 | gpos25 | | 394 | 608504 | 14687261 | 23957819 | ctg395 | gneg | | 395 | 608504 | 23957820 | 26504604 | ctg397 | gpos25 | | 396 | 608504 | 26504605 | 35705640 | ctg398 | gneg | | 397 | 608504 | 35705641 | 51470398 | ctg84 | gpos25 | | 398 | 608504 | 51470399 | 60810161 | ctg399 | gneg | | 399 | 608504 | 60810162 | 69333048 | ctg400 | gpos25 | | 400 | 608504 | 69333049 | 76145432 | ctg401 | gneg | | 401 | 608504 | 76145433 | 78871909 | ctg402 | gpos25 | | 402 | 608504 | 78871910 | 82207630 | ctg403 | gneg | | 403 | 608504 | 82207631 | 84261873 | ctg404 | gpos25 | | 404 | 608504 | 84261874 | 85490282 | ctg405 | gneg | | 405 | 608504 | 85490283 | 89198279 | ctg406 | gpos25 | | 406 | 608504 | 89198280 | 91903517 | ctg408 | gneg | | 407 | 608504 | 91903518 | 98138774 | ctg409 | gpos25 | | 408 | 608504 | 98138775 | 100028090 | ctg410 | gneg | | 409 | 608504 | 100028091 | 113177895 | ctg411 | gpos25 | | 410 | 608504 | 113177896 | 113611229 | ctg721 | gneg | | 411 | 608504 | 113611230 | 121272978 | ctg412 | gpos25 | | 412 | 608504 | 121272979 | 133117406 | ctg413 | gneg | | 413 | 608504 | 133117407 | 139262074 | ctg414 | gpos25 | | 414 | 608504 | 139262075 | 140586583 | ctg416 | gneg | | 415 | 608504 | 140586584 | 143672659 | ctg417 | gpos25 | | 416 | 608504 | 143672660 | 144800078 | ctg418 | gneg | | 417 | 608504 | 144800079 | 148157518 | ctg419 | gpos25 | | 418 | 608504 | 148157519 | 149627545 | ctg420 | gneg | +--------------+---------------+------------------+----------------+--------+--------+ 418 rows in set (0.17 sec) ```

[4] See page 28 in "C-banding in Maize. I. Band patterns", by De Aguiar Perecin. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283587917_C-Banding_in_Maize_I_Band_Patterns

I'll close this for now, but would still welcome a PR with UCSC-formatted data!