evrone / orbit-type-generator

💫 TypeScript type generator for Orbit.js schema definitions.

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TypeScript type generator for Orbit schema definitions.

Fork of https://github.com/exivity/react-orbitjs/tree/next/packages/orbit-type-generator

Added withPrefix param that allows to prepend generated interfaces with provided prefix in order to follow naming conventions of specific project.

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generateTypes(schema: Schema): string

Example use case:

import { generateTypes } from 'orbit-type-generator'

const definition = {
  models: {
    user: {
      attributes: {
        username: { type: 'string' }
      relationships: {
        group: { type: 'hasOne', model: 'group' }
    group: {
      attributes: {
        name: { type: 'string' }
      relationships: {
        users: { type: 'hasMany', model: 'user' }
const schema = new Schema(definition)


Would returns this string:

// some statements omitted for brevity
export interface UserRecord extends Record, UserRecordIdentity {
    attributes?: UserAttributes;
    relationships?: UserRelationships;
export interface UserRecordIdentity extends RecordIdentity {
    type: "user";
    id: string;
export interface UserAttributes extends Dict<any> {
    username: string;
export interface UserRelationships extends Dict<RecordRelationship> {
    group: RecordHasOneRelationship<GroupRecordIdentity>;
export interface GroupRecord extends Record, GroupRecordIdentity {
    attributes?: GroupAttributes;
    relationships?: GroupRelationships;
export interface GroupRecordIdentity extends RecordIdentity {
    type: "group";
    id: string;
export interface GroupAttributes extends Dict<any> {
    name: string;
export interface GroupRelationships extends Dict<RecordRelationship> {
    users: RecordHasManyRelationship<UserRecordIdentity>;

If you want to keep some name consistency of your project, you could also pass withPrefix option. (I prefix for the most cases).

generateTypes(schema, { withPrefix: 'i' })

will generate `

export interface IUserRecord extends Record, IUserRecordIdentity {
    attributes?: IUserAttributes;
    relationships?: IUserRelationships;
export interface IUserRecordIdentity extends RecordIdentity {
    type: "user";
    id: string;
export interface IUserAttributes extends Dict<any> {
    username: string;
export interface IUserRelationships extends Dict<RecordRelationship> {
    group: RecordHasOneRelationship<IGroupRecordIdentity>;


orbit-type-generator inputFile outputFile

For example, if you have a file schema.js:

export default {
  models: {
    user: {
      attributes: {
        username: { type: 'string' }

you can generate the types with:

orbit-type-generator schema.js models.d.ts

withPrefix option is also supported:

orbit-type-generator schema.js models.d.ts --with-prefix=i


Using TypeScript types

You can type attributes using TypeScript types or interfaces. The generator will automatically import the type based on a resolved tsconfig.json in the directory you're executing from.

const definition = {
  models: {
    user: {
      attributes: {
        permission: { type: 'UserPermission' }

You can optionally specify a fallback type to use if TypeScript can't resolve the specified type:

const definition = {
  models: {
    user: {
      attributes: {
        permission: { type: 'string', ts: 'UserPermission' }

const schema = new Schema(definition)
const types = generateTypes(schema, { tsProperty: 'ts' })

Specify a different base directory

If you want your imports to be relative to a different directory than the directory you're executing from, use:

const types = generateTypes(schema, {
  basePath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src')


  • Do not generate optional attributes and relationships, if they are not in schema.
  • Properly generate types for relationships
  • Option to allow extra properties (toggle attr/rel extends statements)
  • Support .ts files in CLI using on-the-fly compiling


If you want to get involved, please do so by creating issues or submitting pull requests. Before undertaking any major PR effort, please check the existing (open and closed) issues. If there isn't one, please file a new issue so we can discuss and assign the work so effort is not duplicated. Thank you!

If you need make PR

  • Use yarn and tasks from package.json.
  • Write tests for you changes, obvious and covering.


💫 TypeScript type generator for Orbit.js schema definitions.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 92.1%Language:JavaScript 7.8%Language:Batchfile 0.1%