evetion / SpaceLiDAR.jl

A Julia package for working with ICESat-2 & GEDI data as part of my PhD research

Home Page:https://www.evetion.nl/SpaceLiDAR.jl/dev/

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`ICESat2_Granule{:ATL06}` are returned by` find` without bounding boxes.

alex-s-gardner opened this issue · comments

ICESat2_Granule{:ATL06} are returned by find without bounding boxes.

geotile = (min_x = 50.0, min_y = -88.0, max_x = 51.0, max_y = -87.0)
granules = find(:ICESat2, "ATL06", geotile, "005")

julia> granules[1].bbox

julia> granules[2].bbox

julia> granules[3].bbox

Yeah, I designed those granules with the idea to hold extra metadata, but haven't implemented it, also because the metadata differs per product and is sometimes costly to get.

There's bounds that will calculate the bounding box based on the data, but that requires opening the (local) .h5 file (and while ICESat-2 stores the bbox in the metadata, GEDI doesn't, so we need to iterate through all coordinates to find the bbox).

There's also info, which parses the metadata from the filename.

I do see that there's a Polygon that's returned from NASA Earthdata Search for each granule, so we could use that as well.

Given that the earthdata search quarry is so fast we could keep things light and just remove the bbox. I'm not using it in my processing. Do you have a need?

I could use it, and it's faster than locally computing it. Also for saving all granules to a shapefile, this could work. Happy to make a PR for it.