eveseat / seat

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PDOConnection.php does not inherit DB_HOST Docker Variable

GoingOffRoading opened this issue · comments

  • Problem: Whats wrong?
    The Maria/mysql DB is not accessible via localhost. Instead, for the Docker Image eveseat/seat:4, I am passing the Variable DB_HOST for database host IP to the Seat container when the container starts. I know this is working correctly/as expected because I am passing the "# Wait for MySQL" test in the docker-entrypoint.sh on container build without errors. However when start_web_service starts, the container crashes because PDOConnection.php is looking for the database on local host, instead of at the IP passed for DB_HOST.

  • Expected: What did you expect to happen?

I expected PDOConnection.php to use the database IP I passed using DB_HOST, instead of a hard-coded local host value.

  • Logs / Screenshots / Proof: The more information you give the better!

This is a deployment to Kuberentes, so the kubectl logs is equivalent to sudo docker container logs

~$ kubectl logs --follow -l app=dwseatweb -n dw
  SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'seat'@'' (using passw
  ord: YES)

In PDOConnection.php line 40:

  SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'seat'@'' (using passw
  ord: YES)
  • Version Info: PHP Version, SeAT Version, Operating System etc.

Docker Image "eveseat/seat:4"

Please feel free to resolve this issue

The issue here is that I brain farted and used LinuxServer's Maria DB Docker Image instead of the Maria DB official Docker Image.

I don't know what LinuxServer changes in their implentation, but when I switched to the official image, Seat -web worked just fine