everestial / phaseRB

A tool for running readbackphasing on VCF using BAM (reference genome aligned genome or RNAseq reads).

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phase short haplotype blocks in individual samples using Readback phasing method

Performs haplotype phasing using read alignments in BAM format from both DNA and RNA based assays.

phaseRB application is a part of phaseIT pipeline. The initial preparation of short haplotype blocks has been inspired from phaser developed by Stephane E. Castel. phaseRBborrows the required code, specifially for doing RBphasing but provides several independent addons:

  • run RBphasing in memory efficient mode : phaser tends to freeze the computation platform if enough memory is not available or if the assembly is highly fragmented. phaseRB provides an option to overcome this barrier by running readbackphasing per chomosome/scaffold.
  • provide custom alignment score cutoffvalue : while alignment score cutoff is computed automatically by phaser, phaseRB provides custom values. This can be useful if the BAM files are already quality filtered.
  • run RBphasing in all samples mode : phaser only provides haplotype phasing in per sample mode, phaseRB provides a method to run RBphasing in all samples mode.
  • future upgrade to python3.

Currently phaseRB runs on Python 2.7.x and has the following dependencies: SciPy, NumPy, samtools, tabix, bedtools, Cython


Castel, S. E., Mohammadi, P., Chung, W. K., Shen, Y. & Lappalainen, T. Rare variant phasing and haplotypic expression from RNA sequencing with phASER. Nat Commun 7, 12817 (2016). Giri, B. PhaseIT - Pipeline for phasing haploypes using short readbackphased hapltoypes in hybrids and populations with low genomic resouces.


Requires a VCF and BAM to produce a VCF with computed haplotype phases and result files containing haplotype details, statistics, and read counts. By default only sites with the "PASS" flag in the VCF will be considered, however this behavior can be changed using the "--pass_only 0" argument.


A step-by-step tutorial for setting up phaseRB and running read backphasing is described.



  • --bam or --multi_bam - Comma separated list of BAM files containing reads. Duplicates should be marked, and files should be indexed using samtools index.
  • --vcf - VCF file containing genotype for the sample. Must be gzipped and indexed. Chromosome names must be consistent between BAM and VCF.
  • --sample or --multi_sample - Name of sample to use in VCF file.
  • --baseq - Minimum base quality at the SNP required for reads to be counted.
  • --mapq - Mimimum mapping quality for reads to be counted. Can be a comma separated list, each value corresponding to the min MAPQ for a file in the input BAM list. Useful in cases when using both for example DNA and RNA libraries which will have different mapping qualities.
  • --paired_end - Sequencing data comes from a paired end assay (0,1). Can be a comma separated list, each value specifying whether sequencing data comes from a paired end assay for a file in the input BAM list. If set to true phASER will require all reads to have the 'read mapped in proper pair' flag.
  • --o - Output file prefix name.


  • --python_string (python2.7) - Command to use to specify python interpreter, required for running read variant mapping script.
  • --haplo_count_bam_exclude () - Comma separated list of BAMs to exclude when generating haplotypic counts (outputted in o.haplotypic_counts.txt). When left blank haplotypic counts will be generated for all input BAMs, otherwise it will not be generated for the BAMs specified here. Specify libraries by index where 1 = first library in --bam list, 2 = second, etc...
  • --haplo_count_blacklist () - BED file containing genomic intervals to be excluded from haplotypic counts. Reads from any variants which lie within these regions will not be counted for haplotypic counts. This will not affect phasing.
  • --cc_threshold (0.01) - Threshold for significant conflicting variant configuration. The connection between any two variants with a conflicting configuration having p-value lower than this threshold will be removed.
  • --isize (0) - Maximum allowed insert size for read pairs. Can be a comma separated list, each value corresponding to a max isize for a file in the input BAM list. Useful in cases when using both for example DNA and RNA libraries which will have different expected insert sizes. Set to 0 for no maximum size.
  • --as_q_cutoff (0.05) - Bottom quantile to cutoff for alignment score. Reads with less than this alignment score quantile will not be included in the phasing.
  • --ab_q_cutoff (0) - Bottom quantile to cutoff for read aligned bases. Reads with fewer aligned bases than this aligned bases quantile will not be included in the phasing.
  • --blacklist () - BED file containing genomic intervals to be excluded from phasing (for example HLA).
  • --write_vcf (1) - Create a VCF containing phasing information (0,1).
  • --include_indels (0) - Include indels in the analysis (0,1). NOTE: since mapping is a problem for indels including them will likely result in poor quality phasing unless specific precautions have been taken.
  • --output_read_ids (0) - Output read IDs in the coverage files (0,1).
  • --remove_dups (1) - Remove duplicate reads from all analyses (0,1).
  • --pass_only (1) - Only use variants labled with PASS in the VCF filter field (0,1).
  • --unphased_vars (1) - Output unphased variants (singletons) in the haplotypic_counts and haplotypes files (0,1). NOTE if you intend to run phASER Gene AE this must be enabled.
  • --chr_prefix () - Add this string to the begining of the VCF contig name. For example set to 'chr' if VCF contig is listed as '1' and bam reference is 'chr1'.

Genome Wide Phasing

(This can be ignored since we are limiting RBphasing to Blocks)

  • --gw_phase_method (0) - Method to use for determining genome wide phasing. NOTE requires input VCF to be phased, and optionally a VCF with allele frequencies (see --gw_af_vcf). 0 = Use most common haplotype phase. 1 = MAF weighted phase anchoring.
  • --gw_af_field ('AF') - Field from --gw_af_vcf to use for allele frequency.
  • --gw_phase_vcf (0) - Replace GT field of output VCF using phASER genome wide phase. 0: do not replace; 1: replace when gw_confidence >= --gw_phase_vcf_min_confidence; 2: as in (1), but in addition replace with haplotype block phase when gw_confidence < --gw_phase_vcf_min_confidence and include PS field. See --gw_phase_method for options.
  • --gw_phase_vcf_min_confidence (0.90) - If replacing GT field in VCF only replace when phASER haplotype gw_confidence >= this value.

Performance Related

  • --threads (1) - Maximum number of threads to use. Note the maximum thread count for some tasks is bounded by the data (for example 1 thread per contig for haplotype construction).
  • --max_block_size (15) - Maximum number of variants to phase at once. Number of haplotypes tested = 2 ^ # variants in block. Blocks larger than this will be split into sub blocks, phased, and then the best scoring sub blocks will be phased with each other.
  • --temp_dir () - Location of temporary directory to use for storing files. If left blank will default to system temp dir. NOTE: potentially large files will be stored in this directory, so please ensure there is sufficient free space.
  • --max_items_per_thread (100,000) - Maximum number of items that can be assigned to a single thread to process. NOTE: if this number is too high Python will stall when trying to join the pools.

Debug / Development / Reporting

  • --show_warning (0) - Show warnings in stdout (0,1).
  • --debug (0) - Show debug mode messages (0,1).
  • --chr () - Restrict haplotype phasing to a specific chromosome.
  • --unique_ids (0) - Generate and output unique IDs instead of those provided in the VCF (0,1). NOTE: this should be used if your VCF does not contain a unique ID for each variant.
  • --id_separator ('_') - Separator to use when generating unique IDs. Must not be found in contig name, and cannot include ':'.
  • --output_network () - Output the haplotype connection network for the given variant.

Output Files


Contains all haplotypes phased along with detailed phasing statistics.

  • 1 - contig - Contig on which the haplotype is found.
  • 2 - start - Start position of the haplotype (1 based).
  • 3 - stop - Stop position of the haplotype (1 based).
  • 4 - length - Length of the haplotype in bases (stop-start).
  • 5 - variants - Number of variants phased in this haplotype.
  • 6 - variant_ids - Comma separated list of variant IDs phased in the haplotype. If --unique_ids is enabled this will be the generated IDs.
  • 7 - variant_alleles - Comma separated list of alleles found on each haplotype separated by "|".
  • 8 - reads_hap_a - Number of unique reads mapping to haplotype A.
  • 9 - reads_hap_b - Number of unique reads mapping to haplotype B.
  • 10 - reads_total - Total number of unique reads covering this haplotype (reads_hap_a + reads_hap_b).
  • 11 - edges_supporting - Number of allele edges which support the chosen haplotype.
  • 12 - edges_total - Total number of allele edges observed for this haplotype.
  • 13 - annotated_phase - If input VCF contains phasing information, this will give the annotated phase for each haplotype separated by "|".
  • 14 - phase_concordant - The phase is concordant with the input VCF annotation if each of the variants on a given haplotype has the same annotated phase (in annotated_phase).
  • 15 - gw_phase - Genome wide phasing for the alleles. The method for determing the genome wide phase is specified by --gw_phase_method. The phase will be output in the GT field of the VCF if --gw_phase_vcf = 1.
  • 16 - gw_confidence - This represents the confidence of the GW phase assignment (between 0.5 and 1). A value of 0.5 indicates equal support for the two genome wide phasing configurations. In these cases the phase from the input VCF will be output.


Output of the input VCF file gzipped and containing the following added fields in the appropriate sample column:

  • GT - This will only be output (overwriting the original input phase with PW) if --gw_phase_vcf = 1 and the phase statistics meet the criteria specified by --gw_phase_vcf_min_config_p and --gw_phase_vcf_min_confidence.
  • PW - phASER Genome Wide Phase - The method for determining the genome wide phase is specified by --gw_phase_method. If no phASER phasing is available, or the there is no support for a specific phase (PC = 0.5), then the input VCF phase will be output.
  • PC - phASER Genome Wide Phase Confidence - This represents the confidence of the GW phase assignment (between 0.5 and 1). A value of 0.5 indicates equal support for the two genome wide phasing configurations. In these cases the phase from the input VCF will be output.
  • PG - phASER Local Block Genotype - The phase of of this variant in the block, specified in PB.
  • PI - phASER Local Block Index - Unique index generated for each haplotype block.
  • PB - phASER Local Block Variants - Comma separated list of variant IDs found in this haplotype block.


This file contains the allele configuration for each variant where a phase could be established using the input reads. This file can be used to identify all cases of compound heterozygousity. Note: each variant pair will be listed twice, with A and B switched.

  • variant_a - Unique variant ID for first variant. Format = chr_pos_ref_alt.
  • rsid_a - RS ID for variant A.
  • variant_b - Unique variant ID for second variant. Format = chr_pos_ref_alt.
  • rsid_b - RS ID for variant B.
  • configuration - Haplotype configuration for the two variants listed, one of two possibilities: "trans" = ref,alt|alt,ref (compound heterozygote), "cis" = ref,ref|alt,alt.


Contains reference and alternative read counts for each heterozygous variant used for phasing. Format is the same as the GATK ASEReadCounter and allelecounter outputs.

  • 1 - contig - Contig on which the variant is found.
  • 2 - position - Position of variant, as per the VCF (1 based).
  • 3 - variantID - ID of the variant. If --unique_ids enabled this will be the generated ID.
  • 4 - refAllele - Reference allele base.
  • 5 - altAllele - Alternate allele base.
  • 6 - refCount - Reference allele read count.
  • 7 - altCount - Alternate allele read count.
  • 8 - totalCount - Total number of reads covering this base (refCount + altCount).


Contains the number of unique reads that map to each haplotype for all phased haplotypes. If --min_cov is set only includes haplotypes where totalCount ≥ min_cov.

  • 1 - contig - Contig on which the haplotype is found.
  • 2 - start - Start position of haplotype (1 based).
  • 3 - stop - Stop position of haplotype (1 based).
  • 4 - variants - Comma separated list of variant IDs phased in the haplotype.
  • 5 - variantCount - Number of variants contained in the haplotype.
  • 6 - variantsBlacklisted - Comma separated list of variant IDs whose counts were not used to do being blacklisted.
  • 7 - variantCountBlacklisted - Number of variants that were blacklisted
  • 8 - haplotypeA - Comma separated list of alleles found on haplotype A.
  • 9 - aCount - Number of unique reads mapping to haplotype A.
  • 10 - haplotypeB - Comma separated list of alleles found on haplotype B.
  • 11 - bCount - Number of unique reads mapping to haplotype B.
  • 12 - totalCount - Total number of unique reads covering this haplotype (aCount + bCount).
  • 13 - blockGWPhase - The genome wide phase of this haplotype block.
  • 14 - gwStat - phASER calculated genome wide phase statistic for this block.
  • 15 - max_haplo_maf - Maximum variant MAF of all variants phased in this haplotype block.
  • 16 - bam - Name of input BAM. If multiple input BAMs were used, then data will be separated for each BAM.
  • 17 - aReads - Haplotype read indices mapping to each variant on haplotype A.
  • 18 - bReads - Haplotype read indices mapping to each variant on haplotype B.


Statistics for every variant - variant connection observed by phASER in the data.

  • variant_a - Unique ID of first variant.
  • variant_b - Unique ID of second variant.
  • supporting_connections - Number of reads which support the chosen phasing.
  • total_connections - Total number of reads which overlap the two variants.
  • conflicting_configuration_p - p value from the test for evidence for conflicting haplotype configuration.
  • phase_concordant - If the input VCF was phased, is the phasing chosen by phASER concordant with the input phase (1/0).


Configuration of all alleles with read backed phasing. Configuration can be either cis or trans and refers to the alternative alleles being either on the same haplotype (cis) or different haplotypes (trans).

  • variant_a - Unique ID of first variant.
  • rsid_a - RS ID of first variant.
  • variant_b - Unique ID of second variant.
  • rsid_b - RS ID of second variant.
  • configuration - Haplotype configuration of alternative alleles.


If --output_network is enabled will contain the number of connections observed between each allele in the specific haplotype.

  • variantA - VariantID:VariantAllele for first variant.
  • variantB - VariantID:VariantAllele for second variant.
  • connections - Number of connections observed between these two variants, 1 connection = 1 read spanning both variants.
  • inferred - Number of inferred connections between these two variants, 1 inferred connection = 1 read spanning alternative alleles of two variants.


If --output_network is enabled will contain the names of each allele in the specific haplotype.

  • id - VariantID:VariantAllele


A tool for running readbackphasing on VCF using BAM (reference genome aligned genome or RNAseq reads).


Language:Python 100.0%