evennia / evennia

Python MUD/MUX/MUSH/MU* development system

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[BUG] `CmdCreate` fails on creating any character-type classes.

InspectorCaracal opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

When attempting to use create to create any typeclass descending from (and including) DefaultCharacter, the system will attempt to create a basic Character object and fail. This includes attempting to create an object of the basic Character typeclass.

To Reproduce

create/drop bob:evennia.contrib.rpg.rpsystem.rpsystem.ContribRPCharacter
["An error occurred while creating object 'bob object: 'Character' object has no attribute 'check_available_slots'"]
create/drop bob:evennia.DefaultCharacter
["An error occurred while creating object 'bob object: 'Character' object has no attribute 'check_available_slots'"]
create/drop bob:characters.Character
["An error occurred while creating object 'bob object: 'Character' object has no attribute 'check_available_slots'"]

Expected behavior

The object should be created with the given typeclass. Also, Characters should be createable.

Environment, Evennia version, OS etc

Evennia 3.0.0
Python 3.10

Additional context

I'll be working on fixing this, but I wanted to create an issue to track it first.

I realized while fixing this that the object is not being created as a Character but instead the error was being thrown due to the Character caller being assumed an Account. This has been fixed in my PR.