evansm7 / vftool

A simple macOS Virtualisation.framework wrapper

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Can we create socket device ?

amit-bst opened this issue · comments


I was trying to create a socket device

In getVMConfig function :-

VZVirtioSocketDeviceConfiguration *socketVirtioConf = [[VZVirtioSocketDeviceConfiguration alloc] init];

NSArray *socketVirtioArray = [NSArray arrayWithObject:socketVirtioConf];
[conf setSocketDevices:socketVirtioArray];

In main after VZVirtualMachine init
VZVirtioSocketDevice *socketDevice = (VZVirtioSocketDevice *)[vm.socketDevices objectAtIndex:0]

I am able to get the socketDevice. But when i try to call [socketDevice setSocketListener:listener forPort:19923]; I get illegal hardware exception. Can you help me out ?

Same here. Are you using an M1 or Intel Mac?

@amit-bst @JonasGessner It took me a long time to figure this out. I had the same problem, but I was able to get passed this: what you need to pay attention to is that the setSocketListener:forPort: call must be performed on the same dispatch queue as all the other calls that interact with the virtual machine.

However, after I passed this point, I still have no clue on how to actually access connections. I have a delegate object for the listener (VZVirtioSocketListenerDelegate), but the protocol only has one method which says if you want to allow or reject connections. But I don't see any way to actually access the connection once I return true from there. (And trying to access the file descriptor from the object as passed into the function give me a bad file descriptor error.)

@mheese yes that was the issue, we were able to move forward, sorry forgot to post it here. Thank you so much !!

@amit-bst were you able to use the listener though? I still can't figure this out...

If you initialized VZVirtualMachine with the initWithConfiguration:queue: method, you need to call those methods on the same dispatch queue which is used when initialization.

See: Code-Hex/vz#9 (comment)

Sorry for hijacking the thread, has anyone has any success implementing a VZVirtioSocketListenerDelegate in swift? I can get the connection in but it gets abruptly closed in the VM before it can write any date.

@dmarkey @mheese Could you guys figure out how to open the connection to the VM? Anything I do, when I call connect(toPort:, completionHandler:) I get "Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=54 "Connection reset by peer".

I start to suspect, that the setSocketListener:forPort part have to be run inside of the VM as a "guest application" listener, and call connect from the host application, but I have no idea how to reference the VZVirtualMachine from code within the actual Virtual Machine. I am stuck.

I wouldn't even need this whole setSocketListener:forPort / connect(toPort:, completionHandler:) memery, if Apple would provide an easy way to get the VM's ip address

I wouldn't even need this whole setSocketListener:forPort / connect(toPort:, completionHandler:) memery, if Apple would provide an easy way to get the VM's ip address

I don't know if there's an official API/documentation for this, but you can go from VM mac address to IP rather easily by parsing /var/db/dhcpd_leases

I wouldn't even need this whole setSocketListener:forPort / connect(toPort:, completionHandler:) memery, if Apple would provide an easy way to get the VM's ip address

I don't know if there's an official API/documentation for this, but you can go from VM mac address to IP rather easily by parsing /var/db/dhcpd_leases

Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/virtualization/sockets

Yup, I choose the MAC address way as well