evanlucas / fish-kubectl-completions

kubectl completions for fish shell

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Switching cluster & namespace: breaks autocomplete

jannickj opened this issue · comments

Setting namespace works :) and setting cluster works :), but using both break the autocomplete :(
kubectl -n [namespace] ✔️
kubectl --cluster [cluster] ✔️
kubectl -n [namespace] --cluster [cluster]

Is this feasible to fix? I looked at the code there seems to be a lot happening so I don't know if it can be fixed with a simple tweak.

hm this seems to be working for me. I would recommend you pass context before namespace though, that way you can get the namespace to autocomplete. (The namespaces available will depend on the current context). What version of kubectl are you using? And what version of Kubernetes?