evanlucas / fish-kubectl-completions

kubectl completions for fish shell

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Completion with kubectl alias

jemag opened this issue · comments

I am fairly new to fish, so please excuse me if there is a straightforward way to do this that I am unaware of.

I currently have an alias for kubectl using "k". This was done with:


function k
  kubectl $argv

Is there a way to make the kubectl completion work with this "k" alias?

Works with alias k="kubectl" in config.fish.

I thought it was equivalent to the function given above and would therefore work too.

I use abbr kc 'kubectl' and it should handle wrapping the completions. Otherwise, IIRC, there is a --wraps argument that can be passed to the function definition. So like function k --wraps kubectl. Let me know if those don't work! Thanks!

That works! Thanks for the tips, I'm still slowly learning fish

Happy to help! I’m going to go ahead and close this, but please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any other issues :)