evancasey / thelatentspace.github.io

code for thelatentspace.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My personal blog. Design heavily inspired by Dustin Tran's blog


Here's my workflow for writing and submitting blog posts.

  1. Dump thoughts into a markdown file, in _drafts/. Or edit the many files already inside _drafts/. Preview (and generate) the static site from a local server.
jekyll serve --drafts
  1. When complete, rename and move the file to _posts/.
  2. Re-build the site.
jekyll build --destination ../blog
  1. Copy generated blog into VPS.
s3cmd put --recursive blog s3://ancasey.com/


To keep the theme up to date, I track the theme's original repo on the type-theme branch. Add to remote the original repo,

git remote add theme git@github.com:rohanchandra/type-theme.git

Whenever you want to update, simply run

git checkout type-theme
git pull theme master

You can compare type-theme to master and possibly merge in any changes. Keeping the theme up-to-date on a separate branch avoids treating the repo as a fork: this repo does more than just style

things and is thus not appropriate as a fork.


code for thelatentspace.com


Language:HTML 47.8%Language:CSS 31.8%Language:TeX 17.1%Language:JavaScript 3.3%