eurostat / searoute

Compute shortest maritime routes between ports

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

exception at finer resolutions

giuliohome opened this issue · comments

I'm getting
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry.getGeometryType()" because "g" is null
for all resolutions (50, 20) under 100. For 100 it correctly saves the output.
My command is

C:\FreightProj2020\code\searoute-2.1>jdk-15.0.1\bin\java -jar searoute.jar -i  routes\real_routes_2020-12-19_MR1.csv -res 100 -panama 1 -suez 1 -o routes\real_routes_2020-12-19_MR1.geojson
Build maritime network (resolution: 100km)...
2021-01-14 19:06:22 INFO  ENGINE:-1 - dataFileCache open start
Compute maritime routes (nb: 217)...

C:\FreightProj2020\code\searoute-2.1>jdk-15.0.1\bin\java -jar searoute.jar -i  routes\real_routes_2020-12-19_MR1.csv -res 20 -panama 1 -suez 1 -o routes\real_routes_2020-12-19_MR1.geojson
Build maritime network (resolution: 20km)...
2021-01-14 19:06:38 INFO  ENGINE:-1 - dataFileCache open start
Compute maritime routes (nb: 217)...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry.getGeometryType()" because "g" is null

Is it a bug or a wrong usage (but where in the latter case?)

Could you find more precisely in your "real_routes_2020-12-19_MR1.csv" file for which route this error occurs?

Found this (for example, after a binary search)

route name,olon,olat,dlon,dlat

it looks like my coordinates for the caspian pipeline consortium terminal are wrong

Sorry, this is clearly my fault.
Thank you