eumemic / ai-legion

An LLM-powered autonomous agent platform

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Got the AI to review its codebase. These are the suggestions it gave back.

MalikMAlna opened this issue · comments

Instructed the AI to review its own codebase for improvement/optimization. This is the advice that it gave back for doing so:

Based on the codebase overview and the code optimization techniques, here are some suggestions for improvement and/or optimization:

1. In the `Agent` class, the `takeAction` method has a `sleep` function call in the `finally` block. This could be replaced with a more efficient scheduling mechanism, such as using `setTimeout` or `setInterval` to schedule the next action.

2. The `Memory` class could benefit from more advanced compression techniques to reduce the memory footprint and improve performance. This could include using data structures like Bloom filters or more efficient serialization methods.

3. The `Message` class and related functions could be refactored to use a more efficient data structure or encoding method to reduce the overhead of message passing between agents.

4. The `ModuleManager` class could be optimized by using a more efficient data structure for storing and retrieving module definitions, such as a trie or a hash table.

5. The `ActionHandler` class could be optimized by using a more efficient method for dispatching actions, such as a priority queue or a task scheduler.

6. The codebase could benefit from more aggressive inlining of small functions to reduce function call overhead.

7. Dead code elimination and constant propagation could be applied to the codebase to remove unnecessary code and simplify expressions.

8. Global register allocation could be used to optimize variable storage and access in the codebase.

These are just a few suggestions for improvement and optimization. Further analysis and profiling of the codebase would be necessary to identify more specific areas for optimization.

With a bit more instruction, I can probably get it to implement some of these suggestions into the codebase, but this seems to be one of the first autonomous AI, possibly the first written in TypeScript, which might actually have the potential to effectively improve itself.

Okay, set up a PR for the first change. Attempted the second change. Not confident enough with memory compression to know if this makes any sense, but these are the contents of each of the files created in the memory-compression folder the Agent created for the second improvement:


class BloomFilter {
  private size: number;
  private storage: Uint8Array;

  constructor(size: number) {
    this.size = size; = new Uint8Array(size);

  private hash1(value: string): number {
    let hash = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
      hash = (hash * 31 + value.charCodeAt(i)) % this.size;
    return hash;

  private hash2(value: string): number {
    let hash = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
      hash = (hash * 37 + value.charCodeAt(i)) % this.size;
    return hash;

  add(value: string): void {[this.hash1(value)] = 1;[this.hash2(value)] = 1;

  contains(value: string): boolean {
    return ([this.hash1(value)] === 1 &&[this.hash2(value)] === 1

  remove(value: string): void {[this.hash1(value)] = 0;[this.hash2(value)] = 0;

export default BloomFilter;


import { Event } from '../src/memory';

function serializeEvent(event: Event): string {
  const serializedEvent = JSON.stringify(event);
  // Implement a more efficient serialization method here
  return serializedEvent;

function deserializeEvent(serializedEvent: string): Event {
  const event = JSON.parse(serializedEvent);
  // Implement a more efficient deserialization method here
  return event;

export { serializeEvent, deserializeEvent };


import Memory from '../src/memory';
import BloomFilter from './bloom-filter';
import { serializeEvent, deserializeEvent } from './efficient-serialization';

class CompressedMemory extends Memory {
  private bloomFilter: BloomFilter;

  constructor(size: number) {
    this.bloomFilter = new BloomFilter(size);

  addEvent(event: Event): void {
    const serializedEvent = serializeEvent(event);

  hasEvent(event: Event): boolean {
    const serializedEvent = serializeEvent(event);
    return this.bloomFilter.contains(serializedEvent);

  // Override other Memory methods to integrate the Bloom filter and efficient serialization methods

export default CompressedMemory;

Unfortunately I don't think most of these are good suggestions. These agents are fairly dumb and do better with more focused instructions after an in-depth design discussion with a knowledgeable coder.

Yeah, that makes sense. I didn't give it a lot of context to work off from and I'm not strong enough with TypeScript to know whether the suggestions make any sense.

That being said, you said most weren't good suggestions. Are there any that you noticed that were good?

That being said, you said most weren't good suggestions. Are there any that you noticed that were good?

No... lol. It's all pretty much premature optimization. There's absolutely no memory, disk or algorithmic inefficiency bottleneck that is hurting performance right now, the heavy lifting is all done in OpenAI's cloud and we're just providing some light scripting to orchestrate it.

Makes sense. Gonna close this out then. No point in getting it to improve upon things that aren't really bottlenecks.

It was an interesting experiment though!