eulerto / pgquarrel

pgquarrel compares PostgreSQL database schemas (DDL)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

password authentication failed

asifiqbal opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

It does not prompt for password and it fails since it can't login to database without password

Your environment

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo)

  • Aurora Postgres with postgres engine 9.6.18 for both source and target

  • pgquarrel 0.6.0

  • provide your .ini file (if applicable).
    $ cat pgquarrel.conf
    output = /tmp/diff.sql
    temp-directory = /tmp
    verbose = false
    summary = false
    comment = false
    security-labels = false
    owner = false
    privileges = false
    ignore-version = false
    single-transaction = false

access-method = false
aggregate = false
cast = false
collation = false
conversion = false
domain = true
event-trigger = false
extension = false
fdw = false
foreign-table = false
function = true
index = true
language = false
materialized-view = true
operator = false
policy = false
procedure = true
publication = false
rule = false
schema = true
sequence = true
statistics = false
subscription = false
table = true
text-search = false
transform = false
trigger = true
type = true
view = true

#include-schema = ^(hr|finance|account|crm|sales)$
#exclude-schema = ^public$

host =
port = 5432
dbname = confluence
user = confluenceuser
no-password = false

host =
port = 5432
dbname = confluencedb
user = confluenceuser
no-password = false

Steps to reproduce

$ pgquarrel -c pgquarrel.conf
ERROR connection to target database "confluence" failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "confluenceuser"
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "confluenceuser"

Expected behavior

Never ran it before. This is the first time

Use 0.7.0 or master, this was already fixed in the commits 6f9bfa7 and e0aecc4.