eugenezinovyev / lcov-viewer

LCOV code coverage report viewer. Parses lcov report files and generates HTML report grouped by directory.

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Can't open typescript files

fernandopasik opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When opening an file from typescript files the main coverage report is generated, but can't open individual files to see detailed file coverage.
Looking at a file in the tree is not a link like in the demo.

To Reproduce
Just open an made from typescrip files

Expected behavior
Open detailed file coverage

Are you opening the file on the

Yes, I opened with it and the overview screen show all the coverage, but I can't navigate inside the files, they are not links

Screenshot 2024-01-11 222407

To give more context I'm generating the file with the new node.js test reporter and tsx loader

node --test --experimental-test-coverage --test-reporter=lcov --test-reporter-destination=coverage/ --import tsx src/**/*

Sorry, I also tried an file generated with jest and also the ts files were not links nor I could dig into detail for each file

Right, the issue he it that the lcov file does not contain any source code. Thus, the site cannot show anything. However, there is a package @lcov-viewer/istanbul-report which you can use to generate an HTML report as an output from Jest coverage.
Here is an example of how you can add it to coverage reporters:

// jest.config.js
coverageReporters: [
    // other reporters

Thanks for the suggestion for jest.

I tried also the cli with this command and it generated the same output that the website.

lcov-viewer lcov -o ./coverage ./coverage/

Is there a way that I can generate the report that can expand on each file with the cli from the file?

The CLI is also working with the LCOV file that does not contain any source code and thus the resulting report does not contain the source code as well.

However, there is a way to generate a report with the source code. You can install @lcov-viewer/istanbul-report package, and include it the "coverageReporters" of the Jest configuration.
After that, you can run jest with coverage collection and check the generated report in the coverage folder.

Thank you! ideally I'd love to remove jest and go with the new node.js official test runner and unfortunatelly for now it does only generate the file.

@fernandopasik you can use the c8 package with the native node.js test runner. You need to install both "c8" and "@lcov-viewer/istanbul-report" and run tests in the following way:

c8 --reporter=@lcov-viewer/istanbul-report node --test

You also can use this repository as an example:

Thank you @eugenezinovyev I've used c8 before, I was hoping to use entirely the new node testing runner but seems coverage still needs a few tweaks.

FYI also in node.js repo there was a suggestion that node coverage system doesn't support sourcemaps yet
nodejs/node#49626 (comment)