eugeneyan / model_test

A proof of concept library for generating and running machine learning model tests

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


model_test is a library for testing machine learning models, designed to have a familar user experience for those with experience writing software tests using pytest. This library is intended to be a general-purpose model testing framework that supports all of the popular modeling libraries (scikit-learn, pytorch, tensorflow, etc.)

Note: this is currently a proof of concept exploring what a user experience might look like for a model testing framework.

Model tests are executed in two phases:

  1. Define functions to programatically generate test cases for your model.
    • For each test case, you will need to specify what type (invariance, directional expectation, etc.) of test to run.
    • This will represent the bulk of your testing code.
    • Return test cases that follow an expected schema.
      • Supported keys: 'data', 'label', and 'metadata'
      • For large files (eg. images), save the file and pass a reference to the file in the data field. See examples/image_classifier for an example.
    • It's likely that you'll iterate on model tests less frequently than you train your models. Here, we generate the test cases and save them as a collection of JSON objects which provide a static test set for evaluating models. You can copy this output to a location in S3 and then download the same test cases when testing newly trained models.
      • Why JSON? Simply, it's easy to open and inspect the files directly.
def test_invariance_english_names():
    examples = []
    sentence_pairs = [
        ('I really enjoyed meeting John today', 'I really enjoyed meeting Susie today'),
        ('Do you think Steven was involved?', 'Do you think Mary was involved?'),
    for sentence_a, sentence_b in sentence_pairs:
        test_case = ({'data': sentence_a}, {'data': sentence_b})
    return examples
  1. Define code to perform model inference and evaluate test cases.
    • Define a function for each test type (invariance, directional expectation, etc.) that returns a boolean value denoting whether the model passed that test case.
    • By convention, define these functions in a module named in the root of your tests directory.
    • Tests are executed over the static set of JSON files produced from step 1.
def invariance_test(examples):
    output_a = model(examples[0]['data'])
    output_b = model(examples[1]['data'])
    return output_a["label"] == output_b["label"]

There is a simple CLI which makes it easy to execute tests.


Open In Colab

Check out the examples/ directory to see how we could write tests for a sentiment classification model and an image classification model.


git clone
cd model_test
pip install -e .
pip install -r examples/sentiment_analysis/requirements.txt
pip install -r examples/image_classifier/requirements.txt

Sentiment classification:

model_test generate "examples/sentiment_analysis/"
model_test run "examples/sentiment_analysis/"

Image classification:

model_test generate "examples/image_classifier/"
model_test run "examples/image_classifier/"

To do

  • Overall design of library, more robust checks
  • Support user defined fixtures
  • Parametrize decorator (with repeat for random sampling)
  • Allow exporting test results
  • Highlight data examples that fail tests
  • Add domain-specific generator functions to library (eg. build_inv_pair_from_template)
  • Save MD5 hash for files referenced in tests
  • Make random seed configurable
  • Brainstorm how to report model coverage
  • Much more...


A proof of concept library for generating and running machine learning model tests


Language:Python 96.6%Language:Makefile 3.4%