euforic / banking.js

The Missing API for Banks - Get all of your transactions and balances using node

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Chase Banking

sahlhoff opened this issue · comments

Can anyone confirm Chase Banking?

I am getting an error reply response:

and this is my bank info:

Chase Banking does not support OFX direct connection. Only with intuit.

@sahlhoff chase does allow for ofx but you have to enable it online and pay a monthly fee for it. Its that same place that enables it for intuit since they are using ofx as well.

@euforic I did enable ofx and paid the monthly fee. I have talked to chase and they only allow intuit software to connect. Unless anyone knows a work around this??

@sahlhoff the person you spoke with at chase was incorrect. I am actually currently pulling data from case. I just had to enable ofx direct connect in my chase account and then then it works. The banks ofx api endpoint determines what type of software you are via the request param.

@euforic Are you pulling data for a Chase Checking Account as well? I am having the same error as @sahlhoff. I too have direct connect enabled. Was the enabling instant for you?

@sahlhoff You're using the incorrect credentials... Some OFX endpoints require you to use your username and your pin -- chase seems to prefer online username and online password.

I'm getting the same error....using the same username and password that I use when I login to Error 15500, which from this site, states is either:

  1. incorrect username / password
  2. you haven't set up direct access through the bank.

I think it's maybe something on the bank end, but I'll find out when they call back!

euforic, I see you're using the parameters for Chase (credit), and sahlhoff is using the parameters for JP Morgan Chase...

// JP Morgan Chase
var bankInfo = {
    fid: 1601
  , fidorg: 'Chase Bank'
  , url: ''
  , bankid: [routedid]
  , user: '[user]'
  , pass: '[pass]'
  , accid: [id]
  , acctype: 'CHECKING'
  , date_start: 20121025 
  , date_end: 20121231 

// Chase (credit)
var bankInfo = {
    fid: 10898
  , fidorg: 'B1'
  , url: ''
  , bankid: 0123456 
  , user: username
  , pass: password
  , accid: 0123456789
  , acctype: 'CHECKING'
  , date_start: 20010125 
  , date_end: 20110125 

when I use, I get the 15500 error, but when I use (I've tried with a trailing slash too), I get:

[ERROR] TypeError
TypeError: Cannot read property 'headers' of undefined
    at Request.exports.getStatement [as _callback] (/Users/dannybullis/Sites/cog_finance/node_modules/banking/lib/banking.js:152:10)
    at Request.init.self.callback (/Users/dannybullis/Sites/cog_finance/node_modules/banking/node_modules/request/main.js:122:22)
    at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
    at ClientRequest.Request.init.self.clientErrorHandler (/Users/dannybullis/Sites/cog_finance/node_modules/banking/node_modules/request/main.js:225:10)
    at ClientRequest.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
    at CleartextStream.socketErrorListener (http.js:1449:9)
    at CleartextStream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
    at SecurePair.exports.connect.cleartext._controlReleased (tls.js:1316:15)
    at SecurePair.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
    at SecurePair.error (tls.js:970:10)
[ERROR] TypeError
TypeError: Cannot read property 'headers' of undefined
    at Request.exports.getStatement [as _callback] (/Users/dannybullis/Sites/cog_finance/node_modules/banking/lib/banking.js:152:10)
    at Request.init.self.callback (/Users/dannybullis/Sites/cog_finance/node_modules/banking/node_modules/request/main.js:122:22)
    at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
    at ClientRequest.Request.init.self.clientErrorHandler (/Users/dannybullis/Sites/cog_finance/node_modules/banking/node_modules/request/main.js:225:10)
    at ClientRequest.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
    at CleartextStream.socketCloseListener (http.js:1424:9)
    at CleartextStream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20)
    at SecurePair.destroy (tls.js:956:22)
    at process.startup.processNextTick.process._tickCallback (node.js:244:9)

What gives? Can you tell us what url you are using to get your request to Chase bank working?

@theBull the fid should be your banks routing number I think.

Has anyone had any luck accessing Chase checking account? I'm using the settings for JP Morgan Chase but I'm not getting anything but 1550 errors.

Does it take awhile after enabling the Direct Access via Chase website for it to become available?
Does Chase expect me to be using my username/password from the website or is there a seperate username/password for direct access?

Really frustrating, any help would be appreciated.

I have given up on Chase integration. I believe others have as well.

No matter what I did couldn't get my info out of chase either. I started pulling it from their mobile site. They use a one page app and expose an 'api' to drive it. You have to log into the website and do the 2 part auth, and then use the cookie that gives your machine.

@theBull, I was just playing with this and hit your headers error. The actual problem is an underlying ssl issue (see: request/request#530 (comment)).

Ultimately did not get me the data I needed, but solved that issue.

Sweet, finally had success :]

FYI, I had to use the data for Chase (credit card). See here for more details:

I used the same username / password that I used when logging into chase online. I also have Direct Access Activated in Chase ($10/mo, but worth it to me).

Thanks euforic & everyone else for being diligent in this. Cheers.

FYI Chase total checking doesn't work with JPMorgan Chase bank. It works with Chase (credit card) and NYC routing number:

fid: 10898,
fidOrg: 'B1',
accType: 'CHECKING',
accId: ‘123456789',
bankId: '021000021',
user: ‘username',
password: ’s3cret',
url: ''

I was able to download from chase with alchemaLabs info with one tweak.

The bankId is your checking accounts routing number, and mine was not 021000021, but rather 071000013.

Here is my config entry:

     SiteName : CHASE 
     AcctType : BASTMT
        fiorg : B1
          url :
          fid : 10898
       bankid : 071000013
     brokerid : 
        appid : 
       appver : 
  mininterval : 

Note to get the propery account and routing information there is link on the chase credit card site:

See routing/account numbers
that maps to javascript:openSecureWin('')

FYI, I think Chase only supports statement download, even though the OFX spec has a LOT more functionality available. Just in case anyone gets caught up in hours of pointless labor trying to do anything otherwise.

@Grummle Your project has a deprecation notice in the Readme saying that Banking.js now works with Chase. Is this only the case if you pay the $10/mo. direct connection fee, or does Banking.js work without paying? If I still need to pay the fee, I'd rather scrape the mobile page.

Edit: The disclaimer on the Chase webpage where you activate the direct connection says that the fee only applies to Business Banking and Commercial clients. I don't think I fall into those categories, so I activated it and will see if they charge me. If anyone has better information, please share!

I believe you have to pay in order for banking.js to work. If seriously
suggest taking a look at

I was able to get ahold of chase banking info really quickly even when my
app is sandboxed.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 3:33 PM Thomas Weng

@Grummle Your project has a deprecation
notice in the Readme saying that Banking.js now works with Chase. Is this
only the case if you pay the $10/mo. direct connection fee, or does
Banking.js work without paying? If I still need to pay the fee, I'd rather
scrape the mobile page.

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@Grummle but you still have to enable Chase Direct Access (and pay $10/mo) when you use, right?

That I'm unsure of, but I don't think so. Give it a try and let us know!

I did try it out and it doesn't need Chase Direct Access to be enabled. My Plaid account is still in Pending state but I am able to access my Chase accounts.

Plain has been very reliable for me, I pull my balance info and text it
every morning.I'm sure I'm probably not using it as intended but I'm also
playing with it for some side stuff.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 8:42 AM Mladen Markov

I did try it out and it doesn't need Chase Direct Access to be enabled. My
Plaid account is still in Pending state but I am able to access my Chase

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