etzinis / sudo_rm_rf

Code for SuDoRm-Rf networks for efficient audio source separation. SuDoRm-Rf stands for SUccessive DOwnsampling and Resampling of Multi-Resolution Features which enables a more efficient way of separating sources from mixtures.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Problem in inference

playdasegunda opened this issue · comments

Would it be possible to add simpler information on how to use sudo_rm_rf ? I tried to use it but without success, changing the directories of "sudormrf_how_to_use.ipynb" but it still didn't work,

If it's possible to create a google colab or help how to use it, it would be interesting for the community, thanks in advance.

Hey, could you please explain what is the problem with using that notebook?

So this is the colab I created based on your released notebook, however in (cell 3) I find the following error,

if you want to see what's wrong, or if you want to edit it's up to you,

Thank you very much.

Your problem is installing torch, just simply install the packages needed without the requirements file. Should be fairly straightforward