etorreborre / specs2

Software Specifications for Scala

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Probably prefix removal for a dependency in the documentation notes.

cruiztorresj opened this issue · comments

Hello there,

RIght now the Quickstart and the installation sections contains the following proposed dependencies in order to get started:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % "SPECS2-5.0.2" % "test")

I needed to remove the prefix SPECS2- in order to make this library work for me. As follows:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % "5.0.2" % "test")

Sorry if this isn't an issue. And if it is, I volunteer to send that tiny little pull request so you can focus in other areas of the library.

Please note that I am solely using Scala 3. I don't know if that line of code has to remain the same for Scala 2 compatibility purposes.


Thanks for noticing this, that should be an easy fix. Let's see if the doc ends up ok online 🤞

I am not sure how long it will take for the new content to be rendered in the docs but the prefix is still there.
Have a look

So anyway, glad to be helpful.

Have a good one.


The change has been made on the latest tag
which is the one you get when you come from the main page in the "Learn" menu

OK buddy, seems like you have this under your belt.

I have spotted two parts within the entire portal with the opportunity of modification.

Happy weekend.


Thanks @cruiztorresj that will be fixed with the next pushed tag.