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Can't build Typewriter from command line with xcodebuild

ericwa opened this issue · comments

Here is the error I get, it seems to be not finding EtoileFoundation:

ericwa$ pwd
ericwa$ xcodebuild -project Typewriter.xcodeproj -target Typewriter
=== BUILD TARGET EtoileFoundation OF PROJECT EtoileFoundation WITH THE DEFAULT CONFIGURATION (Release) ===

Check dependencies


Check dependencies

CompileC build/ Debugging/COSQLiteStore+Graphviz.m normal x86_64 objective-c
    cd /Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject
    export LANG=en_US.US-ASCII
    /Applications/ -x objective-c -arch x86_64 -fmessage-length=137 -fdiagnostics-show-note-include-stack -fmacro-backtrace-limit=0 -fcolor-diagnostics -fobjc-arc -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -Os -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wno-return-type -Wunreachable-code -Wimplicit-atomic-properties -Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis -Wno-arc-repeated-use-of-weak -Wduplicate-method-match -Wno-missing-braces -Wparentheses -Wswitch -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-label -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wunused-value -Wno-empty-body -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-shadow -Wno-four-char-constants -Wno-conversion -Wconstant-conversion -Wint-conversion -Wbool-conversion -Wenum-conversion -Wno-shorten-64-to-32 -Wpointer-sign -Wno-newline-eof -Wno-selector -Wno-strict-selector-match -Wno-undeclared-selector -Wno-deprecated-implementations -isysroot /Applications/ -fasm-blocks -fstrict-aliasing -Wprotocol -Wdeprecated-declarations -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -g -Wno-sign-conversion -I/Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject/build/ -I/Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject/build/Release/include -I/Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject/build/ -I/Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject/build/ -Wall -Wextra -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-arc-performSelector-leaks -F/Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject/build/Release -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 -DSQLITE_ENABLTE_ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS -MMD -MT dependencies -MF /Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject/build/ --serialize-diagnostics /Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject/build/ -c /Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject/Debugging/COSQLiteStore+Graphviz.m -o /Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject/build/
In file included from /Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject/Debugging/COSQLiteStore+Graphviz.m:11:
/Users/ericwa/dev/CoreObject/Store/CORevisionInfo.h:9:9: fatal error: 'EtoileFoundation/ETUUID.h' file not found
#import <EtoileFoundation/ETUUID.h>

The same target builds fine from the Xcode GUI.

I think -target won't work with dependencies accross Xcode projects. The popup menu on the left in Xcode toolbar doesn't list targets, but schemes. When building with Xcode application, Xcode does something like that:

xcodebuild -project Typewriter.xcodeproj -scheme Typewriter

The previous command builds Typewriter just fine on my computer, unlike with the one with -target.

That's vaguely related… When I moved to Xcode 7, I couldn't get EtoileFoundation compiled with Mac OS X 10.11 SDK, without making changes to my working copy.

Latest Mac OS X and iOS versions don't include openssl.

Did you install openssl or tweak EtoileFoundation to get things compiled with 10.11 SDK?

Ah, thanks, maybe we just need to make a shared scheme for Typewriter, it doesn't have one at the moment.

I committed etoile/EtoileFoundation@0c54fc9 last night that disables the OpenSSL usage on OSX, same as how you did it for iOS.