etishor / Metrics.NET

The Metrics.NET library provides a way of instrumenting applications with custom metrics (timers, histograms, counters etc) that can be reported in various ways and can provide insights on what is happening inside a running application.

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Statsd support

stephanstapel opened this issue · comments


Your library was just recommended by a friend and I must say that it's great that you ported Metrics to .net. Thanks a lot!

I saw this: #8
and wondered if you could share the existing statsd code.



@stephanstapel I have no statsd integration code. The un-pushed code I mentioned was the graphite integration.

I don't personally use statsd so I don't know much about it. It should not be very complicated to extend the library to push data from metrics directly to statsd - at least in a basic form. Pushing it efficiently might be a bit more challenging.

If you don't already have apps & infrastructure already using statsd it does not make a lot of sense to push data to statsd so that it gets pushed to graphite/influxdb. You can push it directly from

I tried InfluxDB and really like it, thanks a lot. Do you plan to support InfluxDB 0.9 anytime soon?

@etishor I think that one of the benefits of using statsd instead of reporting directly to Graphite/InfluxDB is the decouple of the reporting from the code,
If we want to add a reporting target it is much easier and less dangrous to add it to the Statsd instead of to the application.

I have use cases that require we to send the reporting data to several places, and I think that handeling the targets in the Statsd is better.

I will look into the code, and try to see if I can add Statsd support