etishor / Metrics.NET

The Metrics.NET library provides a way of instrumenting applications with custom metrics (timers, histograms, counters etc) that can be reported in various ways and can provide insights on what is happening inside a running application.

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Adding additional information to the HTML page

rapoth opened this issue · comments

I have installed Metrics.NET from NuGET so it got added as a DLL. I'm just wondering how I can go about adding some custom information inside the HTML page that gets displayed when I access my process through the visualization interface exposed. I could not find where the index.html file gets stored when I install this through NuGET.

In the visualisation folder, there is a "release" version of the project.

I'll try to provide more info in a few days when i get to a computer.

@etishor Thanks Iulian! Ideally, it would be nice to make certain aspects configurable. For instance, I just started testing Metrics.NET in my application that serves multiple roles (e.g., data collector, request handler etc.) and it would be nice to pass a custom name as configuration parameter to Metrics (that will then be displayed when accessed through the browser) so that when I access this web interface on a certain machine, I know exactly the role of my application on that box.

The only issue I see if that the index.html file is now contained as an embedded resource so I am not completely sure what the correct approach is to achieve this.

Hi sorry for the late response. The visualization app is due another iteration as there are a lot of things that have been implemented in the library and are not reflected in the graphic visualization. ATM i'm focused on getting the dev branch stabilized for a new release and after that the visualization might get some love.