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Not dumping to .snmprec and not populating SQL table

thomasbromehead opened this issue · comments

Hi Ilya,

Been trying really hard to dump recordings using the sql and redis variation modules, to no avail.
Strangely enough I see only ONE record being inserted in my Postgres DB, whether using --use-getbulk or not, even when adding --start-object and --stop-object flags or -getbulk-repetitions.
It is not a DB connection problem as the printer table is created and with the right schema.
A regular snmpsim-record-commands with no variation modules gives me a correctly populated .snmprec file.
The logs say there are no errors however the walk is extremely quick and as you can see I have a nice 0 oids dumped.
Here's the command I am using (recording against my local printer):

snmpsim-record-commands --agent-udpv4-endpoint= --start-object= --stop-object= --output-file=printer.snmprec --variation-module=sql --variation-module-options=dbtype:psycopg2,database:snmpsim,user:snmpsim,password:snmpsim,dbtable:printer --log-level=error --use-getbulk --getbulk-repetitions=30


  • printer.snmprec to have the full dump
  • printer table in snmpsim db to be populated with the results.


  • nothing in printer.snmprec
  • nothing in printer table

Regards from France, thanks for the terrific work on this tool ;) 🥇

Here's the output:

Scanning "/home/thomas/.snmpsim/variation" directory for variation modules... 
Directory "/home/thomas/.snmpsim/variation" does not exist 
Scanning "/home/thomas/snmp-project/venv/snmpsim/variation" directory for variation modules... 
Variation module "sql" loaded 
SNMP version 2c, Community name: public 
Querying UDP/IPv4 agent at 
Agent response timeout: 3 secs, retries: 3 
Initializing variation module... 
Variation module "sql" initialization OK 
Sending initial GETBULK request for (stop at 
Shutting down variation module sql... 
Variation module sql shutdown OK 
OIDs dumped: 0, elapsed: 0.03 sec, rate: 0.00 OIDs/sec, errors: 0

FWIW, this appears to be a silent error in the variation/sql .record method - it's looking for a start oid entry in a dict, and the relevant entry appears to actually be called "args.start_object". Not yet clear whence the difference.

approx variation/