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simpsim terminated with "runDispatcher; raise PySnmpError('poll error: %s' % ';'.join(format_exception(*exc_info())));"

mhouf opened this issue · comments


Hi Illya,

Hope you're doing well,

I'm starting Huawei simulator and it's running but during the polling it always crash with following :

2020-09-03T02:01:12.41 snmpsimd: Request var-binds: 0.0=<>, flags: NEXT, GET
2020-09-03T02:01:12.41 snmpsimd: Response var-binds: 1.2.840.10006.300.<32768>
2020-09-03T02:01:12.43 snmpsimd: Shutting down variation modules:
2020-09-03T02:01:12.43 snmpsimd: Variation module "notification" shutdown OK
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: Variation module "sql" shutdown OK
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: Variation module "redis" shutdown OK
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: Variation module "numeric" shutdown OK
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: Variation module "subprocess" shutdown OK
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: Variation module "delay" shutdown OK
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: Variation module "multiplex" shutdown OK
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: Variation module "error" shutdown OK
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: Variation module "writecache" shutdown OK
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: Process terminated
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):;
*2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/snmpsim-0.4.7-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/", line 1466, in ; transportDispatcher.runDispatcher();
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysnmp/carrier/asyncore/", line 50, in runDispatcher; raise PySnmpError('poll error: %s' % ';'.join(format_exception(exc_info())));
2020-09-03T02:01:12.45 snmpsimd: ERROR PySnmpError: poll error: Traceback (most recent call last):;; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysnmp/carrier/asyncore/", line 46, in runDispatcher; use_poll=True, map=self.__sockMap, count=1);; File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 220, in loop; poll_fun(timeout, map);; File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 201, in poll2; readwrite(obj, flags);; File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 123, in readwrite; obj.handle_error();; File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 108, in readwrite; obj.handle_read_event();; File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 449, in handle_read_event; self.handle_read();; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysnmp/carrier/asyncore/dgram/", line 163, in handle_read; self._cbFun(self, transportAddress, incomingMessage);; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysnmp/carrier/", line 70, in _cbFun; self, transportDomain, transportAddress, incomingMessage;; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/snmpsim-0.4.7-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/", line 958, in commandResponderCbFun; wholeMsg, asn1Spec=pMod.Message(),;; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/", line 1293, in call; **options;; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/", line 537, in valueDecoder; component, head = decodeFun(head, componentType, **options);; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/", line 1293, in call; **options;; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/", line 811, in valueDecoder; tagSet, length, state, **options;; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/", line 1293, in call; **options;; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/", line 537, in valueDecoder; component, head = decodeFun(head, componentType, **options);; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/", line 1293, in call; **options;; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/", line 604, in valueDecoder; component, head = decodeFun(head, componentType, **options);; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/", line 1293, in call; **options;; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/", line 537, in valueDecoder; component, head = decodeFun(head, componentType, **options);; File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/", line 1318, in call; '%s not in asn1Spec: %r' % (tagSet, asn1Spec);;PyAsn1Error: <TagSet object at 0x1bd0250 tags 64:0:7> not in asn1Spec: <_BindValue schema object at 0x1225990 componentType=<NamedTypes object at 0x1225050 types <NamedType object at 0x1223ed0 type value=<ObjectSyntax schema object at 0x1223e10 componentType=<NamedTypes object at 0x12234d0 types <NamedType object at 0x1223410 type simple=<SimpleSyntax schema object at 0x1223390 componentType=<NamedTypes object at 0x1221110 types <NamedType object at 0x121bf90 type integer-value=<Integer schema object at 0x121bed0 subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x1211f10 consts <ValueRangeConstraint object at 0x1211dd0 consts -2147483648, 2147483647>> tagSet <TagSet object at 0x113e790 tags 0:0:2>>>, <NamedType object at 0x1221050 type string-value=<OctetString schema object at 0x121bfd0 subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x121b090 consts <ValueSizeConstraint object at 0x1211f90 consts 0, 65535>> tagSet <TagSet object at 0x113ee90 tags 0:0:4> encoding iso-8859-1>>, <NamedType object at 0x12210d0 type objectID-value=<ObjectIdentifier schema object at 0x1221090 tagSet <TagSet object at 0x11443d0 tags 0:0:6>>>> subtypeSpec=<ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x114b6d0> sizeSpec=<ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x114b750 consts <ValueSizeConstraint object at 0x114b710 consts 1, 1>> tagSet=<TagSet object at 0x114b510 untagged>>>, <NamedType object at 0x1223490 type application-wide=<ApplicationSyntax schema object at 0x1223450 componentType=<NamedTypes object at 0x1221950 types <NamedType object at 0x1221690 type ipAddress-value=<IpAddress schema object at 0x1221650 subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x121b1d0 consts <ValueSizeConstraint object at 0x1211f90 consts 0, 65535>, <ValueSizeConstraint object at 0x121b110 consts 4, 4>> tagSet <TagSet object at 0x121b250 tags 64:0:0> encoding iso-8859-1>>, <NamedType object at 0x1221710 type counter-value=<Counter32 schema object at 0x12216d0 subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x121b390 consts <ValueRangeConstraint object at 0x121b310 consts 0, 4294967295>> tagSet <TagSet object at 0x121b410 tags 64:0:1>>>, <NamedType object at 0x1221790 type timeticks-value=<TimeTicks schema object at 0x1221750 subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x121b9d0 consts <ValueRangeConstraint object at 0x121b910 consts 0, 4294967295>> tagSet <TagSet object at 0x121ba10 tags 64:0:3>>>, <NamedType object at 0x1221810 type arbitrary-value=<Opaque schema object at 0x12217d0 tagSet <TagSet object at 0x121bc10 tags 64:0:4> encoding iso-8859-1>>, <NamedType object at 0x1221890 type big-counter-value=<Counter64 schema object at 0x1221850 subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x121bcd0 consts <ValueRangeConstraint object at 0x121bb10 consts 0, 18446744073709551615L>> tagSet <TagSet object at 0x121bd50 tags 64:0:6>>>, <NamedType object at 0x1221910 type gauge32-value=<Gauge32 schema object at 0x12218d0 subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x121b5d0 consts <ValueRangeConstraint object at 0x121b510 consts 0, 4294967295>> tagSet <TagSet object at 0x121b610 tags 64:0:2>>>> subtypeSpec=<ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x114b6d0> sizeSpec=<ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x114b750 consts <ValueSizeConstraint object at 0x114b710 consts 1, 1>> tagSet=<TagSet object at 0x114b510 untagged>>>> subtypeSpec=<ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x114b6d0> sizeSpec=<ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x114b750 consts <ValueSizeConstraint object at 0x114b710 consts 1, 1>> tagSet=<TagSet object at 0x114b510 untagged>>>, <NamedType object at 0x1223f10 type unSpecified=<Null value object at 0x1223910 subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x11442d0 consts <SingleValueConstraint object at 0x11441d0 consts ''>> tagSet <TagSet object at 0x11440d0 tags 0:0:5> encoding iso-8859-1 payload []>>, <NamedType object at 0x1223f50 type noSuchObject=<NoSuchObject value object at 0x1223950 subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x11442d0 consts <SingleValueConstraint object at 0x11441d0 consts ''>> tagSet <TagSet object at 0x1223a10 tags 128:0:0> encoding iso-8859-1 payload [No Such Object c...ists at this OID]>>, <NamedType object at 0x1223f90 type noSuchInstance=<NoSuchInstance value object at 0x1223a90 subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x11442d0 consts <SingleValueConstraint object at 0x11441d0 consts ''>> tagSet <TagSet object at 0x1223b90 tags 128:0:1> encoding iso-8859-1 payload [No Such Instance...ists at this OID]>>, <NamedType object at 0x1223fd0 type endOfMibView=<EndOfMibView value object at 0x1223c50 subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x11442d0 consts <SingleValueConstraint object at 0x11441d0 consts ''>> tagSet <TagSet object at 0x1223d50 tags 128:0:2> encoding iso-8859-1 payload [No more this MIB View]>>> subtypeSpec=<ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x114b6d0> sizeSpec=<ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x114b750 consts <ValueSizeConstraint object at 0x114b710 consts 1, 1>> tagSet=<TagSet object at 0x114b510 untagged>>;;

The device has a normal value for the above polled OID :
1.2.840.10006.300., Integer , 32768

[root@~]# python
Python 3.6.6 (default, Sep 30 2018, 09:36:27)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit

[root@~]# --version
SNMP Simulator version 0.4.7, written by Ilya Etingof
Using foundation libraries: pysnmp 4.4.4, pyasn1 0.4.2.
Python interpreter: 2.7.5 (default, Aug 2 2016, 04:20:16)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4)]

Can you please help me to identify the root cause of such crash ?



can you share the mib file?



Hi KexZh,

I'm attaching sapwalk of the device. I suspect an issue in it due to small size and maybe missing standard OIDs



Hi @mhouf ,
can you try with the files which generated by snmpsim-record-commands or netsnmp?




Hello KexZh,

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean, I'm using the following command to start the simulator 👍

/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ --agent-udpv4-endpoint=x.x.x.x:161 --data-dir= --v2c-arch --process-user=xxxx --process-group=xxxx --daemonize --pid-file=/opt/SNMP_repo/Logs/ --logging-method=file:/opt/SNMP_repo/Logs/Huawei_315_2.log

Do you mean execute on the sapwalk to generate .rec file?

Please explain further.



Hello KexZh,

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean, I'm using the following command to start the simulator 👍

/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ --agent-udpv4-endpoint=x.x.x.x:161 --data-dir= --v2c-arch --process-user=xxxx --process-group=xxxx --daemonize --pid-file=/opt/SNMP_repo/Logs/ --logging-method=file:/opt/SNMP_repo/Logs/Huawei_315_2.log

Do you mean execute on the sapwalk to generate .rec file?

Please explain further.


How you collect the output you shared before?
snmpsim-record-commands, netsnmp or a thirdparty tool?


Hello KexZh,

The output of the simulation is the one mentioned in snmpsim command "/opt/SNMP_repo/Logs/Huawei_315_2.log"

The simulation start and have PID but during the start of the polling from 3rd party software, it crashes, and the simulation log mention this -:

2020-09-03T02:01:12.41 snmpsimd: Request var-binds: 0.0=<>, flags: NEXT, GET
2020-09-03T02:01:12.41 snmpsimd: Response var-binds: 1.2.840.10006.300.<32768>
2020-09-03T02:01:12.43 snmpsimd: Shutting down variation modules:

I assume there is something wrong in sapwalk causing such unexpected termination.



Hello KexZh,

The output of the simulation is the one mentioned in snmpsim command "/opt/SNMP_repo/Logs/Huawei_315_2.log"

The simulation start and have PID but during the start of the polling from 3rd party software, it crashes, and the simulation log mention this -:

2020-09-03T02:01:12.41 snmpsimd: Request var-binds: 0.0=<>, flags: NEXT, GET
2020-09-03T02:01:12.41 snmpsimd: Response var-binds: 1.2.840.10006.300.<32768>
2020-09-03T02:01:12.43 snmpsimd: Shutting down variation modules:

I assume there is something wrong in sapwalk causing such unexpected termination.


Yes, you're right.
Depends on this I suggest you to polling the SNMPwalk data with


or NETSNMP instead of sapwalk?


Hi KexZh,

Thanks for your input, issue fixed after converting exiting sapwalk to snmp.rec using and using the below options -:
--ignore-broken-records --deduplicate-records

Thank you,