ethereum / tests

Common tests for all Ethereum implementations

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Cancun tests without Beacon Roots Contract

gurukamath opened this issue · comments

For some of the tests in cancun, the beacon roots contract is not a part of the pre-state, signifying that the contract has not been deployed yet. This is not a valid test for cancun since there is an assumption that the contract is deployed already.

An example test would be the following (develop branch at commit ID 853b1e0)

    'test_file': 'BlockchainTests/InvalidBlocks/bcUncleHeaderValidity/gasLimitLTGasUsageUncle.json',
    'test_key': 'gasLimitLTGasUsageUncle_Cancun'

does this branch fixes the issue ?


It does not make sense to add this code to every test case. I think you should drop the assumption the code exists.

for state tests for sure yes.
but what about blockchain tests. Mario's argument is that since on mainnet this contract exists we should put it in all blockchain tests as well in case to catch some beacon contract interaction

all bc tests has it