ethereum / tests

Common tests for all Ethereum implementations

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t8n --allow invalid fixture generation

winsvega opened this issue · comments

Add a flag to t8n --alowinvalid that will disable sanity checks for transactions and instead of being rejected with error code, tx are accepted and post state is calculated (if it is possible) to be able to produce invalid fixtures deliberatly.

Like in example with blob transactions:

createBlobhashTx, that create transaction is not allowed. 
emptyBlobhashList, that tx with empty blobs list is not allowed. 

with new flag --allowinvalid that t8n will print a warning that the fixture is invalid and like in here, tx are not rejected and accepted. (0 blobhashes, create blob tx and so on, so we can generate invalid tests) but this is a big question because there are many checks to consider.

that is how currently I do
just that when I discovered this issue, an opinion was made to keep this behavior to be able to make invalid states.
but I am afraid it will get too messy with what is valid and invalid so it must be a special kind of t8n

The discussion is a research topic for pyspecs and python t8n