ethereum / js-ethereum-cryptography

Every cryptographic primitive needed to work on Ethereum, for the browser and Node.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Library does not work on the FE side

bkosm opened this issue · comments

Hey, I'm trying to get this lib working on the client side with React, Vite, Javascript & pnpm.
The library was added with pnpm i ethereum-cryptography.

A utils file looks like this:

import { keccak256 } from "ethereum-cryptography/keccak";
import { utf8ToBytes, toHex } from "ethereum-cryptography/utils";
import secp from "ethereum-cryptography/secp256k1";


 * @returns {string} random private key as hex string
function randomPrivateKey() {
    return pipe(

export {

I use the function randomPrivateKey inside of a react component and it fails with:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'utils')
    at randomPrivateKey (utils.js:68:14)
    at onGenerate (KeyGen.jsx:7:24)

A project that demonstrates this issue can be found here.

Sorry to bother you but I can't find solutions online. Am I missing some configuration to get this to work, or is it not possible altogether?

import * as secp