ethereum / execution-apis

Collection of APIs provided by Ethereum execution layer clients

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[RFC] Engine API: do not bump method's version upon datatype change

mkalinin opened this issue · comments

Existing Engine API specification states that a method version must be updated whenever behaviour or parameter set of the method has changed, including the case when a datatype version is advanced, e.g. a switch from ExecutionPayloadV2 to ExecutionPayloadV3 causes the newPayload version bump. This approach makes sense as whatever change to a method specification is considered as a change to its semantics.

The problem of the above approach is that in some cases when datatype is updated method's behaviour remains unchanged, i.e. datatype change only affects the underlying block processing routines. For instance, newPayload itself does not use newly added withdrawals field and defer it processing to downstream handlers.

Thus, we may consider avoid bumping method's version if there is no change in its behaviour and instead just extend already existing method to work with newly added datatype. In other words, explicitly say that newPayloadV2 is modified in Cancun and the only modification is support of ExecutionPayloadV3 datatype in addition to already supported V1 and V2.

100% support this (lodestar/ethereumjs), will reduce unnecessary lines adding version methods which just pipe down the data to the underlying processing fns.

Currently our versions are backward fork compatible (lower version data types can be passed/fetched from higher versions), and this would make versions forward fork compatible as well like how all beacon apis work.

Also would be useful to cleanly determine api methods to select via getCapabilities.

Also would be useful to cleanly determine api methods to select via getCapabilities.

This made me wonder, in getCapabilities, how would the CL tell that newPayloadV2 supports ExecutionPayloadV3?

Isn't the point of getCapabilities to enable API changes without relying on a fork as a way to synchronize? So if we wanted an out-of-fork change to the data type rather than the behaviour, we'd need some other way of synchronizing thus making getCapabilities redundant I think

In terms of code simplicity, it will make Prysm's code a little cleaner, but nothing significant.

The problem of the above approach is that in some cases when datatype is updated method's behaviour remains unchanged, i.e. datatype change only affects the underlying block processing routines

This statement misses one thing. With each newly added field an EL client gets a responsibility to at least validate the presence of this field, and maybe run some other related validations. The more forks with data structures change is supported the more validations and related complexity EL clients have to deal with in the logic of the same method handler.

After deeper thinking on that I would like to propose the change in the opposite direction to the original one and bring Engine API to 1-1 mapping between method version and a version of data type this method supports, i.e. make newPayloadV3 support only ExecutionPayloadV3 and so on. Originally, supporting several versions by a single method was proposed because of it being convenient to CL client but apparently not every CL client utilises this feature. 1-1 mapping would improve spec clarity as well.

cc @MariusVanDerWijden

from teku perspective, we always have called the latest version. Before exchange capability endpoint the selection was based on current CL highest supported milestone (ie we started using capella's versions as soon as we scheduled capella fork). With the support for exchange capability endpoint we introduced a runtime selection, which always select the latest compatible version.

The good news is that the runtime method selection is a nice separate module so we can implement a "param driven" version of it which selects method based on data type.

So if the change simplifies things on spec and\or EL side (and I personally see the point) we can do the switch.

Finally, the decision is to get back and stay with 1-1 relationships between structure and method versions since Cancun #420