ethereon / netscope

Neural network visualizer

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Run netscope in localhost

beige90 opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the great tool!
I would like to run this on my local machine but doesn't know how. I ran npm install and npm start but didn't know what to do next. How can I do so?

In a bit of an abuse of convention, npm start currently launches the watchify process that generates netscope.js. However, once it has been generated, you can launch a local instance by just statically serving the files (for instance, using python -m SimpleHTTPServer)

@ethereon Thank you. I could run netscope in my local machine. Can you teach me briefly about how it works especially the netscope.js generation and what it does?

Netscope is written in CoffeScript. The watchify command basically watches for changes to the CoffeeScript sources and compiles them into a single javascript file (netscope.js).

The parser (generated from the included peg.js grammar) parses Caffe's prototxt and creates a DAG, which is rendered as an SVG using dagre.

Could you please give a detailed description about the usage in localhost ?

OK, I have solved it. Thank you.
Could you please show the input size and output size of each layer if the size of data-layer is given ?

@thesby how you solved? Could you please give a detailed description about the usage in localhost ?

@coocoky, I'd suggest using node.js http-server

npm install http-server -g
cd netscope

If you want to make changes in the source code, install dependencies vianpm install. And then run npm start, it will enable live translation from CoffeeScript to JS.

@thesby how you solved? Could you please give a detailed description about the usage in localhost ?

@RuslanIsrafilov Witch OS? WINDOWS? Linux?

@changshuchao, here is crossplatform solution.

@RuslanIsrafilov tks,bro