ethanmdavidson / packer-plugin-git

A Packer plugin for interfacing with Git

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

is there way to get a current branch name using this plugin?

daroga0002 opened this issue · comments

Does there is a way to get current branch name?

This is because I want have such example code in packer:

locals {
### data source gathering branch name
  version       = local.branch == "master" ? "${var.version}" : "${var.version}-${local.sha}"

source "amazon-ebs" "ami1" {
  ami_description         = "AMI1"
  ami_name                = "ami1-${local.version}"

This will allow use CI/CD pipeline approach:

  1. build artifacts on each branch with name including git sha
  2. on master branch dont use SHA in version name

No, there isn't currently a datasource which returns the branch. However, it should be pretty easy to build. I might add it myself if I have some free time, but PRs are also welcome :)

I am not a master of go but I have created PR to address it. Please take a look when you will have a time

Thank you so much for the PR! As you could probably see from the code, I am no master of Go either. I will try to review it this weekend.

Ca we have an example on how to use this? It would add great detail to the documentation!

it is documented here:

In my project I am using this as:

variable "ubuntu_version" {
  description = "Variable with version of AMI"
  type = string

locals {
  truncated_sha   = substr(data.git-commit.cwd-head.hash, 0, 8)
  version         = data.git-repository.cwd.head == "master" && data.git-repository.cwd.is_clean ? var.ubuntu_version : "${var.ubuntu_version}-${local.truncated_sha}"

data "git-repository" "cwd" {}

data "git-commit" "cwd-head" {}

so on the end local.version is variable which I am using:

source "amazon-ebs" "ubuntu" {
  ami_name          = "ubuntu-${local.version}"

Thanks for the example @daroga0002 ! I did try to use this as an example in my packer template, but it throws me an error saying the AMI name is invalid when i run packer validate . command:

Error: 1 error(s) occurred:

* AMIName should only contain alphanumeric characters, parentheses (()), square brackets ([]), spaces ( ), periods (.), slashes (/), dashes (-), single quotes ('), at-signs (@), or underscores(_). You can use the `clean_resource_name` template filter to automatically clean your ami name.

  on ami.pkr.hcl line 48:
  (source code not available)

Here's a snippet of my ami.pkr.hcl file where it fails:

variable "ubuntu_version" {
  type        = string
  description = "Version of the custom AMI"

locals {
  truncated_sha = substr(data.git-commit.cwd-head.hash, 0, 8)
  version       = data.git-repository.cwd.head == "master" && data.git-repository.cwd.is_clean ? var.ubuntu_version : "${var.ubuntu_version}-${local.truncated_sha}"

data "git-repository" "cwd" {}
data "git-commit" "cwd-head" {}

source "amazon-ebs" "ubuntu" {
  region   = "${var.aws_region}"
  ami_name = "ubuntu-${local.version}"

Can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong here. I also didn't find any specific rules as to what the AMI name should follow, so it's a bit vague to me what not to name my AMI, because I wanted to have it specific to the PR during CI/CD workflows on GitHub actions.

this is packer bug, if you run packer build it should go without issues.

In general looks that validate doesnt trying to predict a values for variables.

@sydrawat01 also you can do just packer validate -syntax-only . which will be checking does code is correctly written (all HCL references and etc.)