ethanblake4 / dart_eval

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Support For Regex

Noobware1 opened this issue · comments

I mean support for like first match, last match, group and groups methods

@ethanblake4 if you at least tell me how to add it (even a rough explanation would work) i will try to follow through with the best of my abilities.

since i really love this project and would like to contribute.

For sure, thanks for your interest in helping! It's basically the same as making your own bridge wrappers, you'd just have to edit shared/stdlib/core/regexp.dart to add those methods. We don't currently have a wrapper for the RegExpMatch type, but you can just return a regular Match (using $Match) or you could add it if you want. And then just make a pull request against the v0.7.0 branch.

Thanks will do!

Hi, @ethanblake4 I did what you told but i am getting some issues with writing the tests

  1. with null assertion operator - if i use ! ilke this firstMatch(string)! i get this error even tho it's not null because if i use ? it returns string
dart_eval runtime exception: Null check operator used on a null value
#0      $Object._equals (package:dart_eval/src/eval/shared/stdlib/core/object.dart:266:41)
#1      $ (package:dart_eval/src/eval/runtime/function.dart:122:16)
#2 (package:dart_eval/src/eval/runtime/ops/objects.dart:152:14)
at main()

2 with return type with if try to return int or string i get an error but if i don't specify the return type it pass the test with no error

CompileError: Cannot return RegExpMatch (expected: int) at unknown (file package:example/main.dart)
package:dart_eval/src/eval/compiler/compiler.dart 497:7   Compiler.compileSources
package:dart_eval/src/eval/compiler/compiler.dart 164:12  Compiler.compile
package:dart_eval/src/eval/compiler/compiler.dart 547:21  Compiler.compileWriteAndLoad

here are the test cases

import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:dart_eval/dart_eval.dart';
import 'package:dart_eval/stdlib/core.dart';

void main() {
  late Compiler compiler;

  setUp(() {
    compiler = Compiler();
  group('Regex Tests', () {
    test('RegExp.firstMatch()', () {
      final runtime = compiler.compileWriteAndLoad({
        'example': {
          'main.dart': r'''
            String main() {
              final string = '[00:13.37] This is a chat message.';
              final regExp = RegExp(r'c\w*');
              final match = regExp.firstMatch(string)!;
              return match[0];
          (runtime.executeLib('package:example/main.dart', 'main') as $String)
    test('RegExp.groupCount', () {
      final runtime = compiler.compileWriteAndLoad({
        'example': {
          'main.dart': '''
            int? main() {
              final string = '[00:13.37] This is a chat message.';
              final regExp = RegExp(r'c\\w*');
              final match = regExp.firstMatch(string);
              return match?.groupCount;
          (runtime.executeLib('package:example/main.dart', 'main') as $int)

If need to see my code tell me how to send it thank you

Just pushed (I think) a fix for the second issue to v0.7.0 branch. First one will have to wait until tomorrow, but I'm 99% sure it's not your fault, the ! and ?. operators were just added a few days ago and they definitely still have bugs.

Then I'll open a pr when all the tests pass

Released in v0.7.0