eth-infinitism / bundler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

`BundleManager.handlePastEvents` may exceed JSON RPC response size limit

kaiix opened this issue · comments


When a bundler is started and a bundle is sent for the first time (, all past events of entrypoint are scanned ( This may fail because the response from RPC server's eth_getLogs exceeds the size limit.

Part of the error logs:

  reason: 'processing response error',
  code: 'SERVER_ERROR',
  body: '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":55,"error":{"code":-32602,"message":"Log response size exceeded. You can make eth_getLogs requests with up to a 2K block range and no limit on the response size, or you can request any block range with a cap of 10K logs in the response. Based
on your parameters and the response size limit, this block range should work: [0x0, 0x2014fd1]"}}',
  error: Error: Log response size exceeded. You can make eth_getLogs requests with up to a 2K block range and no limit on the response size, or you can request any block range with a cap of 10K logs in the response. Based on your parameters and the response size limit, this
 block range should work: [0x0, 0x2014fd1]
      at getResult (webpack:///../../node_modules/@ethersproject/providers/lib.esm/json-rpc-provider.js?:148:23)
      at processJsonFunc (webpack:///../../node_modules/@ethersproject/web/lib.esm/index.js?:312:22)
      at eval (webpack:///../../node_modules/@ethersproject/web/lib.esm/index.js?:255:46)
      at (<anonymous>)
      at fulfilled (webpack:///../../node_modules/@ethersproject/web/lib.esm/index.js?:18:58)
      at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) {
    code: -32602,
    data: undefined
  requestBody: '{"method":"eth_getLogs","params":[{"fromBlock":"0x0","toBlock":"latest","address":"0x0576a174d229e3cfa37253523e645a78a0c91b57"}],"id":55,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}',
  requestMethod: 'POST',
  url: ''

(limit backlog when looking for events)